Oct. 7th, 2011


This Journal Has No Happy Icons, But I Am Happy To Be Here!

'Sup. I am Treva, and I have an abusive relationship with Clamp. They rip out my eye heart, but I keep coming back. Thus why I am here with this loli, named Suu! She is from Clover, which is absolutely AMAZING and if you haven't read it, you should. Just expect to feel like your soul was crushed after.

Some basic information about Suu, is that she is basically the most powerful living thing in her world. She can make anything out of nothing, animate inanimate objects, hear any sound regardless of how far away, and can control electronic devices. Because of this the government locked her away in the greenhouse to live alone. Forever. Pretty crappy. Suu is a very sweet girl though! She might be a bit shy at first, but she will be happy to see other living things. Sob. Oh and she likes to sing. You should be nice to her because she is tiny and cute.

If you need to get in touch with me, this journal has an OOC contact post, but I am almost always available through AIM @ treva890, email @ treva890@gmail.com, or plurk @ jirotaka! Just make sure you tell me who you are so I don't block you or something.

So yeah, looking forward to playing with you all!


Introductory POLL + MEME


First of all, a poll:

Are there any wacky events you want to see happen in Irides? Because of the spiritstorm we can justify all sorts of fun events. Suddenly, everyone is a child! Bunny ears for a day! Uh-oh, amnesia! Genderswap?! Love at first sight! Compelled to be honest! All sorts of good stuff.

So the question is: What kind of events do you want? Tell us here!

And then, a meme:

Two truths and a lie IC intro meme! Characters will ICly list off two things that are true about them, and one thing that is a lie. Then other characters will ICly respond to try and pick out the lie -- or to ask questions like "Wait, what's a keyblade?" etc! Conversation goes on from there!

This is not only limited to characters currently in the game. If you already have a journal and are planning on apping -- or if you just want to troll -- you should feel free to participate! But characters not planning to apply should only respond rather than post their own two truths and a lie.

Destination: Irides opens tomorrow!!


An intro? I THINK NOT- oh wait


Everyone who plays at Marina will totally be not surprised by this. For everyone who doesn't, HI THERE. I'm Fortuna, aka Fort! I'm a little hyper at times, and I play this kid in every game, hence why the Marinaites aren't surprised.

Who is this kid? Simple! ...actually, no it's not. This here is Akito/Agito/Lind Wanijima from Air Gear, a short-as-woa (4'5") teen that can be confusing as hell. Why three names? He's an MPD, that's why~ It's fairly easy to tell between them. Akito's the sugary sweet kid who's friendly like woa, has the left eye showing, and has everything in black font. Agito's the swearing, exceedingly unfriendly one who will most likely maul you for ticking him off, has the right eye showing, and has blue font. Lind is kind of between the two, and tends to be a little playful and manipulating, not that you'll notice it. He has both eyes showing, and has gold font.

Please note that the font colours are NOT ICly done on internet or text posts/replies, they're for mun help only in the event your character actually knows the difference between the three but you don't. Or if Fort's braindead enough to forget who she's tagging with. Also you'll see Akito and Agito a lot more than Lind. The three are staying at Red Fox apartments, in suite 101. Have an MPD, roommates :3

ENOUGH OF THAT. You can reach me, the mun, on AIM at SkyDream16, or on Plurk at FortunaDraken. That's private though, so if you add me, make sure I have some way of knowing who you are!

Looking forward to playing with you~

Oct. 6th, 2011


Hello, dollfaces ♥


aka Hi everyone :3 This is Keli, and I'm bringing in Syo Kurusu from the series Uta no Prince-sama, which is... about a boy band and how MUSIC IS EVERYTHING and it changes the world and people pretty much have the equivalent of an acid trip whenever they hear ~moving music sung from the heart~

Appropriately, Syo could moonlight as the Energizer bunny that wants to be friends with everyone UNTIL YOU MAKE FUN OF HOW SHORT HE IS (sob sob 5'3" all his tears) and then he'll have no trouble having a bitchfit on yo fais. Other than that, he's a peach♥

Anyway! Enough of this ridiculously long intro oh goodness. He's staying in Black Cat, suite 201 (representtttt), and if you wanna get in touch with me for anything, feel free to add me on my plurk HERE~

Oct. 5th, 2011


hi every1 im new around here!

Hey, guys! New player here!

I'm Doji. Some of you may know me from some other game in an underwater prison or something.

But that's that, this is an intro!

I'm bringing in Yuzu Tanikawa from Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor. She's one of the main characters, have an obvious crush on the MC, found herself inside a lockdown full of demons and just want to go home to her normal life, so she survive by...being a demon tamer with a Nintendo DS COMP. Of course, by her canon point, she's pretty tired of it all and just want to run.

So apparently, she's staying at Brown Bear, suite 203, with one (1) Estelle? 8D

You can contact me on AIM (dojikuni) and on my private Plurk (Sonica)!

Also, warning, any and all text messages from Yuzu will contain 1337 speak. And emotes.╮('◡'✿)

Oct. 4th, 2011



Hihi everyone. :D

This is Apa, bringing the awesome heroine of Dragon Age II, Marian Hawke, to the game. She's friendly and charming and very snarky, a little naive and a lot mercenary. She also comes from a world where there are chamber pots and bathing is not a regular activity for most people. So, running water in more than one temperature, whenever she wants it, is going to be a HUGE deal. (Not to mention all the technology in general.)

I'm really looking forward to playing her at this game.

My contact info is AIM (apapazukamori) and plurk (demiurgic).

I'm back guys

And because Jes has an apping problem, here is another kid!

This is Firo Prochainezo from Baccano!. He is an immortal, eternally nineteen years-old gangster and an all-around sweet kid with only a bit of youthful arrogance! He is living in Brown Bear, because I, as queen, decreed it. :D

Oct. 3rd, 2011


Death only slows him down a little

Hello there new game, new peeps and all the not-so-new peeps!

My name is Kathrine and I'm bringing to Irides a kid who's been to hell and back. Possibly literally. His name is Jason Todd, the former second Robin of Batman's Dynamic Duo who was dead for about six months and spent the next two and a half years all over the place. He just recently got dark magical healing to fix brain damage so he'll be a bit confused, but normally he's a sarcastic brat with a hidden heart of gold and a soft spot for kids. He might be a bit rude, but it's not your characters' faults (usually). Jason just has Issues.

You can contact me at my email: spkathrine[@]gmail.com, send me a private plurk, or hit me up at Jason's contact post.


Enter: Blink

Haunt is doing things again. Currently, that thing is introducing Blink of X-Men: Age of Apocalypse to Irides! Her real name is Clarice Ferguson, but she uses Blink more often. She won't be super secretive about the other though. She's purple. The jig is up.

Aaaanyway, Clarice is from an awful, genocide-war-torn world that was never supposed to exist. She's had 31 flavors of trauma, and comes to you pre-Exiles. Here are some details on her history, powers, and random facts. There be spoilers in there! You know, if you're worried about being spoiled for something that too place more than a decade ago.

Oh yeah, and she's in Black Cat 102.

Oct. 2nd, 2011


That's right it's Kay's other app



She's a pink-haired princess with a bubbly personality, a deep love of BOOKS and DOGS and HIGH-FIVES, and relentless idealism. Also she might be the poison that will destroy the world. She's the Princess who should have been Scrapped! Two of you will recognize that reference.

Whatever. HERE SHE IS! She lives in Brown Bear and she has no roommates yet, so y'all better app some girls for her to crush on attach to.

what is up.

Hi, everyone. It's Yuul! Yeah, yeah, who the heck is Yuul. I'm friendly, I promise!! Let me show you all how terrible I am with intros.

This is Rory Williams and he's from Doctor Who. He time travels with his wife and an alien man called the Doctor and lots of crazy things happen. He'll think arriving in Irides is another one of those crazy things. He's a very nice guy!

My contact info is on Rory's hmd post aaaaand... I think that's it! :D HELLO, AGAIN.

you have unlocked the achievement: irides!

Hey guys, what's up. I'm Jes, you may know me from that time I was Jes at a Marina near you. I am the queen of this game, or so Kay may or may not let me believe since only some of my delusions are cute.

This is Saki. I apologise in advance to anyone who has the misfortune to tag her / be tagged by her, because ...

Read more... )

Yup. But people apparently like her, so here she is.

I also intend to app Firo Prochainezo from Baccano!. I may even do that in a relatively normal time period rather than being hilariously lazy like usual.

I am horrible when it comes to being on AIM but if you message me on my account, jaffacakest, it will get to me! And I will answer! It may not be in a timely fashion, but for that's there's always plurk, where I am bedlam. Rock on.


Look who Kay apped! ARE YOU SURPRISED

Hi guys, I'm Kay, and I'm addicted to this character. You may know me... from this other game I'm in...

So I will just introduce Allen instead. He is a sweet, generous, martyr of a sixteen-year-old with horrible scars and white hair and a deformed arm and a stunning appetite. He's not going to know what to do with himself living in a time and place where he doesn't have to fight, but he won't let anyone know how much he hates it.

He lives in Black Cat 101, so black cats representtttt.

I am so excited ♥♥♥

Oct. 1st, 2011


/second time's always better bb

This is Yuri Lowell! He's the protagonist from Tales of Vesperia. He's primarily easy-going, and fairly mature, but he's also playful. And trolly. And a troublemaker... He's from after his canon is over, so he's not desperate to get back home, and Irides is pretty interesting, really... at least for now. X3

Yuri also enjoys sugar. Don't let his "it's okay" fool you, he's barely hiding the ear-to-ear grin. And you might get a weird reaction if you have... ears of the non-human variety for any reason.

I on the other hand am Li! I'm a mod here and my contact info's all over. /o/ I'm always on AIM/gtalk, and private plurks will get my attention even faster if that's how you roll.

Oct. 2nd, 2011


In which Anju takes this community's v-card.

Hello! I am Anju. Anju is me. Anju is eighteen and also in high school. She might get grounded, suddenly swamped by homework, etc etc etc. More importantly, she tends to get SICK and completely incapable of playing sometimes. I'm just going to tell you that right off the bat. Other than that, I'm pretty quick to tag, actually! ANJU IS:

+Not cute
+Always open to new ideas.
+Manipulative maybe a little.
+HAS NO FLAWS Actually maybe a few. Like procrastination.
+A lover of cats. Mmm, cats.

So...yes. I am Anju. And I bring you Jack Harkness from Torchwood. He's immortal, a flirt, a leader, all of those things. Basically, if you kill him, he'll come back. So if you want to, kill him off. I give you my PERMISSION to shoot him in the head. He's also pretty much everything-sexual. So if you breathe, there's a chance he'll go after you. ...Even if you don't breathe, he might go after you. All of you non-humanoids should be creeped out. He might be a little mopey before the Spiritstorm gets to him, since his boyfriend just died. But besides that, he's a very social and friendly guy! Pretty likeable...usually. JACK IS:

+Prone to trying to get you into his bed. No seriously. Beware.
+KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT THE FUTURE. Not that he'll tell you. But he hints a lot. He's from the future.
+Immortal. Can't die. Well...Can. But he'll be back momentarily.
+Loyal. To his friends. He might not be too loyal in other respects for a while.

SO YES. I am happy to be here. ♥ I can't wait to play!