October 9th, 2011


Fort's not the only one with an apping problem...

So uh. Yeah. Impulse app from Keli is a go /o/

This is Himari from Mawaru Penguindrum, a super sweet girl with a second personality living inside her who is a total jerkface. But it's chill, she doesn't know it's there.

She'll be staying at Black Cat 102♥ Hi roomies.


What is this

So Fort has an apping problem. This surprises no-one.

Anyway. This here is one Silver the Hedgehog, of the Sonic the Hedgehog game canon! He's a psychokinetic dude, which basically means he'll pick things up with his mind and move them around. This can include you. He's generally an all-around nice guy though, just don't threaten his friends.

He's staying in Brown Bear apartments, in room 301! ...hi Zelmen =D Don't hurt him too much?

Contact stuff is the same as ever.