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[04 Jun 2008|11:38am]
If anyone wishes to plot with Draco or Adrian Pucey, let me know, I'd be happy to work something out. I'm pretty easy going too!
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[04 Jun 2008|04:24pm]
We have a Bellatrix & Lavender Brown as of today. Update your FL lists here . Let's get this RPG rolling! We have many characters now. Don't be afraid to post in the ooc asking for mini plots!
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Plotting with Theo [04 Jun 2008|06:03pm]
If anyone would like to plot with my Theodore Nott, please say so. His profile is under construction, but I would like to have a plot or two going. -smiles- He doesn't bite. I promise.
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[04 Jun 2008|11:03pm]

Nuff, said.
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In need of a member for La Familia. [04 Jun 2008|11:29pm]
La Familia is in need of a clean up person. It can be either male or female. The role this person plays is the following:

Clean up men finish the jobs others could not. In other words, if a person couldn't kill their given victim, he or she steps in and does it for them. They need to be tough, stealthy, and quick at their job.
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[ viewing | June 4th, 2008 ]
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