the department of mutant affairs ooc

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the department of mutant affairs ooc



March 22nd, 2010

i think i'm regressing to high school, FYI

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Friendly neighborhood March update! If you are stuck on things to do, the DMA and Black Air should be meeting and looking for Pete Wisdom! And seers/psychic types? Things are looking bad.

Update! )

March 10th, 2010

game fyi

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This really should be in the mod journal, but Jamie likes to think he's the mod of the world? So does that count?

There is plot. We are in the middle of it. If anyone would like to pick up a baddie for the plot, let me know, otherwise I'll just NPC them all. Black Air will soon be descending on America and generally being a pain to the DMA, I'm sure.

But I think I'm going to drop Freakshow, and I mention this, because I might suggest to Alison to either bother me to get Paige involved in the plot or entangled with the department, because there will not really be much of anything happening at the school.

Starting tomorrow I should have some things going. I have a finite goal for this game, which I hope will be fun, but let me know if there's anything in particular you want to do!

February 20th, 2010

activity check!

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Please update by the end of February :)

That means me! )

January 28th, 2010

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So apparently I dreamed up my intro. I thought I had already done this but clearly the OOC board doesn't lie. HELLO. I AM DES. Regardless of how unnecessary this probably is I'm going to introduce myself anyway. I'm clearly a creature of habit.

A little about me. I'm TwentySomethingorAnother. I'm reside in the Pacific Time Zone. I work ALL THE DAMN TIME but at least they give me a computer and look away when I chat/RP/shop/do-other things. I am the more boring part of this introduction.

THIS IS TESSA/SAGE. SHE IS THE INTERESTING ONE. She's a walking/talking/breathing computer. And she can kick ass. I guess that makes her more of a Terminator, actually. She's here for Black Air and she's new-ishhh. Explanation of sorts and other details here.

Plots! Shenanigans! Hijinks! I wants them!

January 27th, 2010


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Alison Blaire

have been removed from the game.

This means Johnny is now the only one in-game who went missing, which is very, very sad. So if you are thinking about picking up another character or trying to get someone to join, consider that for fun and crazy plot.

January 24th, 2010


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Hey all!

Just wanted to make a quick little post to introduce myself. I'm Jeff and I've rp'd with some of you before, I think, I know of at least one XD, but probably haven't played with a lot of you before.

I've been out of the rping world for awhile, at least a year or so, but aside from that I've been in many, many journal games and started off rping over IRC ages ago. I'll be honest up front, I play an MMO a looooot with my wife (who still lives in the US; I'm in Canada and we got married to speed up the immigration process which will hopefully be resolved this late Spring / early Summer and she can move here but that's another, long story XD) and as such I won't be around 24/7 in AIM to log, but I will do my best to be available as much as I can, and can always work things out via gDocs / threads / e-mails.

I'm bringing you the lovely Tabitha Smith, whom I've played briefly in other iterations in another game, but about whom I've very excited to get to play here. :D Hit me up at any time for a log or a thread, whatever you prefer, and I'll be more than happy to log with you. My AIM SN is i052z (that's a zero, not an o) and if I'm on then feel free to hit me up for scene-age, or just e-mail me / tag me here. I look forward to talking to and playing with you all in the near future! :)

January 23rd, 2010


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Hey, everyone, I redid the graphics taken page ( ). Check it out.

Also, be sure to run those flist, as we have a couple new faces, and should be getting more soon :)

If you're thinking about taking characters or switching them around, I'd love more agents for either team, HFC people, and general baddies :D.

January 21st, 2010

mod hat and recruitment

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As I have already heard, a bit early:


have been removed from the game.


has until the end of the month for activity.


I will be changing up the invite pool to try to get some fresh blood. You are welcome to invite people. We have a wanted character list here ( ), and we have holds for Psylocke, Boom Boom and Sage.

I would like to see:
the other Braddock!
more Black Air people!
villains to help my grand plans!

Go forth and advertise.

January 17th, 2010


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The various trips should take place this week. It is up to the involved players how they want to play it out, but here is some information to find!

trip to the prison )

trip to ND )

January 16th, 2010

modly mod post

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Now that I should basically have RL ducks in a row, I'm letting Tracy tell me what to do. I mean. I have lots of exciting plot planned, but I do need to know who is still interested.

I need to hear from you by Friday, 1/22. You still have all month to update (remember, monthly activity checks for every character!), but let me know if you do plan on sticking it out and with what characters. Then I'll give another, wider shout out to potential players, and I will take suggestions.

I will probably be dropping Freakshow (unless Tracy does the thing with Wisdom that she was talking about?)

So anyway:
character list, needs to update, etc )

December 4th, 2009

Look at me doing modly stuff. Because I'm a mod

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Random things that have popped into my mind:

- going to start an activity check, just to keep us all motivated. Once a month, so no big stress. So make sure all of your characters post sometime in December. If you have any trouble plotting, just email! Post here! Come up with a plot!

- entering the plot for the reveal of who dun it for the ten years. I've decided to give bits of clues for the missing to puzzle over--flashbacks, dreams, etc. And probably the prophets, too :D.

- there'll be minor plots the whole while, too. So feel free to toss in ideas for anything you might want to see.

- government living situation! I'm totally making this up right now. There are rooms in a lower level of the DMA Building, which people can live in permanently or just crash if they have a late night. So maybe we should compile where who lives.

They all have work landlines at their desks in the DMA -- the agents have a big room, cubicle or open sort of thing. Psh, no individual offices for them.

where you are, how to reach you, etc. daily junk )

- the DMA building itself is a part of a larger structure for several government agencies. Very hush hush is the fact that there are temporary holding cells down in the very, very bottom level. The 4 mutants are there right now, but they'll be taken from there to a for real prison shortly. There's some possible plot!

I think that's it for me rambling for now. Maybe I'll make plans for the Academy and the DMA building. Maybe I will actually update timeline crap. Or maybe I'll work on my dissertation. WHO KNOWS.

Let me know if this in incomprehensible.

November 1st, 2009


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Okay, there's a plot post. I figured we could at least set up, work on it for a bit, and then handwave whatever we don't get to.

There are four bad guys, who ultimately will be killed or detained, depending on how merciless you guys get. So I'm thinking 4 teams of two or so can do mini-threads, and I'll (or you guys) can NPC the bad guys. Or maybe two teams, each versus two?

So who is going?

Forge and Freakshow (versus Mimic?)
Pyro and Tarot (versus Morph?)
Gambit and Rogue (versus Beast and Blink?)

October 18th, 2009


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With that post people are back to normal.

Pretty much everyone who was still under psychic control is suffering from some sort of headache. But most importantly, people who had been missing got a glimpse of the past ten years. The mental blocks were put up again after a second, however, so all memory of that time is once again totally unreachable by any psychic.

October 17th, 2009

moving on

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The following have been removed for inactivity:
Elizabeth Braddock // Cate Blanchett
Jean Grey // Lauren Lee Smith
Logan // Hugh Jackman
Ororo Munroe // Gina Torres
Scott Summers // James Marsden

By tomorrow, I'll have a few plot posts up. Hopefully tonight once I work on my writing sample. The chivalry thing will be wrapping up this weekend, and over the next week or two we will be wrapping up the first plot entirely.

October 10th, 2009


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Activity Check!

Remind that the following characters have until next Saturday (10/17) to update:

Alison Blaire // Kristanna Loken
Elizabeth Braddock // Cate Blanchett
Jean Grey // Lauren Lee Smith
Logan // Hugh Jackman
Ororo Munroe // Gina Torres
Rogue // Evangeline Lilly
Scott Summers // James Marsden

October 3rd, 2009

mean mod

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Hello everyone.

It is mean mod time :(

People need to be active, if only so I know you are still interested. We all have two weeks (deadline: October 17th) to post SOMETHING with every character. Journal, journal comment, post, it doesn't matter, as long as you show you are still interested in your characters. Seriously, anything. You can comment to an already posted journal entry. I shall probably institute from here on a monthly activity check.

I will cross off names as people update:

Needs to Update Anytime from October 1-17th )

September 5th, 2009


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Sorry things are so slow! I'm just going to be like Des and constantly apologize in the OOC. Anyway, getting plots moving is hard, and that's my fault, and I'm sorry. So I'm thinking less big plots, more character development, if that's what people want out of this game.

But, still need to wrap up this one!

K.D.! If this week is okay, Siryn/Forge/Jean?

Everyone else! Gambit will be making a huff about Kitty. Chivalry is still in effect until Jean works her magic. She'll also manage to get a location, so then there will be teams and a big fight.

August 19th, 2009

moving on

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So with that post, the Chivalry thing is still in effect. However, it is weaker, so psychics and people with strong psychic resistance (Emma, Tarot, Gambit, etc.) start realizing that something's wrong. Take liberty with how well your character deals with it!

&EDIT: OH. And if any of these psychic people would like to help figure things out and what to do with Forge and Siryn, let me know!

August 17th, 2009


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Okay, I promise, last post in the OOC for me, I promise. But I come with gifts this time!

Click! )

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Hi again! This is Betsy. Shabam.
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