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[September 19th, 2009 at 8 pm]

These are not mine, and yet were found in the couch today while I was cleaning. Anyone want to claim them?

On another less my-roommates-are-whores note, half off tea day tomorrow!!
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[September 19th, 2009 at 11 pm]

Victor - don't call me that please for the love of God and both our sakes. I go by 'Vic' and I'm charmed, certainly. Now the first person who can point me in the direction of the best place to find a cup of tea that isn't colored water has my undying, eternal affection. Ready? Set? Go!
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[September 19th, 2009 at 11 pm]

hey, name's kegan. everyone and your mother knows it but just for a refresher, I'm here to help.

so, you should quote your favorite line from your favorite movie... Mine is Pulp Fiction.

Jules: What does Marcellus Wallace look like?
Brett: What?
Jules: What country you from?
Brett: What?
Jules: What ain't no country I ever heard of! They speak English in What?
Brett: What?
Brett: Yes!
Jules: Then you know what I'm saying!
Brett: Yes!
Jules: Describe what Marcellus Wallace looks like!
Brett: What, I-?
Jules: [pointing his gun] Say what again. SAY WHAT AGAIN. I dare you, I double dare you, motherfucker. Say what one more goddamn time.
Brett: He's b-b-black...
Jules: Go on.
Brett: He's bald...
Jules: Does he look like a bitch?
Brett: What?
[Jules shoots Brett in shoulder]
Brett: No!
Jules: Then why you try to fuck him like a bitch, Brett?
Brett: I didn't.
Jules: Yes you did. Yes you did, Brett. You tried to fuck him. And Marcellus Wallace don't like to be fucked by anybody, except Mrs. Wallace.
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MeFamiliaMatt [September 19th, 2009 at 8 pm]

Four months in NYC was long enough, thanks. I'm so happy to be home. What's been going on with you guys?

Oh, and Caiazzos and friends? I brought something back you might be interested in.
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BookishWendy [September 18th, 2009 at 8 am]

I never know what to say in these things, so instead, why don't you ask me a question?
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na na nora AAH [September 18th, 2009 at 12 am]

I'm Nora. Went to the supermarket today and walked up and down the isle with jam and jelly looking for a jar of honey. Said isle also contains coffee and tea so I dunno, made sense to me. Apparently it didn't make sense to whoever laid out the store though because eventually I found it in the isle with the pancake syrup which just so happened to be located with baked goods. Seems to me they should just throw all the breakfast stickiness together in one spot, but then I've been told I'm weird.
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pass it pres [September 17th, 2009 at 8 pm]

Hi, I'm Preston. Which really, most of you probably know.

What I don't know, on the other hand, is why putting the toilet seat down is such a big deal. I do it, to save from the shrieking that only dogs can hear, but that doesn't mean I understand it.
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