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Back September 12th, 2008 Forward
Been stalked by any fallen angels lately?

+comment & credit [info]drankmywar
+do not alter [textless are not bases]
+no hotlinking
+nominations are Shiny
+watch the community/affiliate/resources

I seem to attract them )

[01-38] Buffy the Vampire Slayer
[39-55] Angel the Series
[56-83] Battlestar Galactica
[84-103] Various TV Shows {Veronica Mars, Supernatural, Firefly, Roswell, Doctor Who, Alias}
[104-108] Various Movies {Suspiria, Mulholland Dr., Marie Antoinette, The Invisible}
[109-113] Anime {FAKE, Sailor Moon}
[114-116] Actors/Models {Jon Kortajarena, Michelle Deighton, Keira Knightley}+header


Would you like to affiliate? Comment with 4-5 icons, and I will add you here.

+comment & credit [info]drankmywar
+do not alter [textless are not bases]
+no hotlinking
+nominations are Shiny
+watch the community/affiliate/resources

Ummm I can't wait for this movie, like seriously the Dragonball series was one of my favorites growing up and I'm really excited for it to come out in movie form. So yeah, some icons :)

8 Dragonball icons


More textures woot :D

Just click on the image to go to and download the textures.

Please comment & Credit [info]drankmywar

light textures; set Four by drankmywar

I laugh in the face of danger.

+comment & credit [info]drankmywar
+do not alter [textless are not bases]
+no hotlinking
+nominations are Shiny
+watch the community/affiliate/resources

Then run and hide until it goes away.  )

[01-22] Buffy the Vampire Slayer
[23-44] Angel the Series
[45-69] various tv shows {Damages, Supernatural, Battlestar Galactica, Hex, Sex and the City, LOST, Doctor Who, Firefly, Andromeda, Veronica Mars, Supernatural/Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossover}
[70-74] various movies {Cruel Intentions, Imagine Me & You, Dragonball}
[75-103] various anime {Ai No Kusabi, Zetsuai 1989, Bronze, FAKE, Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Sailor Moon}
[104-144] various actors/singers {Laura Linney, Laura Dern, Melissa George, My Chemical Romance, Billie Piper, Katie Holmes, Eva Green, Christian Kane, Jensen Ackles, Dolph Lundgren, James Marsters, Eliza Dushku, Natalie Portman, Milla Jovovich, Alyssa Milano, Rachel McAdams, Kristen Bell, Camilla Belle, Sarah Michelle Gellar}
[145-146] sarcastic quotes {made for the pet peeve challenge @ iconplay (livejournal)


Please tell me what you really think, I know a lot of time my icons can be a bit off the wall. I'd like your guys' feedback though, that way I can improve and maybe try and tone it down some.

Back September 12th, 2008 Forward