May 7th, 2013

07:27 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Sloppy Seconds Day 3: Peace and War

Title: Peace and War
Author: [info]notearchiver
Pairing: Minerva McGonagall/Severus Snape
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: They swore to each other that the age difference didn't matter. They were wrong.
Content Information/Warnings: implied child abuse, angst, depression, implied canon character death
Summary: In the end, it wasn't really the age gap but the experiences that came with it.
Author's Notes: Thank you [info]verdeckt for founding [info]deeply_horrible and our new mods for taking up the mantel. Also, I must acknowledge my beta F, who still adores me when I'm annoying.

Peace and War )