November 20th, 2012

12:31 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Poem: "Bitter Drink"

Title: Bitter Drink
Author: [temporarily disillusioned]
Beta Reader(s): [temporarily disillusioned]
Word Count: 291
Pairing(s): gen
Rating: G
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): none.
Prompt Author: [info]kerravonsen
Prompt: 144: Severus Snape, dark and bitter, like black coffee without sugar, or dark unsweetened chocolate.
Summary: Deep in Gringotts there is a bottle ...
Notes: This is a kind of poem called a sestina. Sestinas use a set pattern of six words as line endings. The pattern is: 123456, 615243, 364125, 532614, 451362, 246531, 12/34/56.

(Bitter Drink) @ DW
(Bitter Drink) @ LJ