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Dear Hogwarts ooc

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[Aug. 28th, 2014|09:30 am]

Hi everyone,

Due to lack of mod time we are going to close ~dearmods. Thank you all for your contributions over the run of the game and for all your character interactions. We hope to play with you all again soon!

If you would like to share your guesses for who wrote which letter, feel free to do so here and we can confirm if you were correct or not.

Thank you.

♥ Bronte and Cilla
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[Aug. 8th, 2014|10:55 am]

Sorry I've been basically gone for over a week guys, I am having the busiest time in life right now. Please just assume that James has been adoring his baby too much, Cat has been frantically trying to take care of a baby by herself, and Logan has been conducting charms experiments on his plastic baby that haven't actually harmed it that he can tell. And, like, prefecting.

I should be back to full activity somewhere around Sunday? Or maybe tomorrow? I don't know, I need sleep so bad I can't even think right now and I have to get back to work. Love you, love you, love all!

EDIT: Bronte and I forgot about this. So, since Logan and Roxanne are actually the worst and it was some unholy person who ever paired them together, they figured out the charms behind making the babies cry and are celebrating the last day of the project by making everyone's journal ping after classes are done for the day. Except instead of pinging, it's crying exactly like the fake babies. It'll stop after about ten minutes. Just for fun, everyone's journals start crying at different times so if your ten minutes are up, that might be the start of your roommate's ten minutes.
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[Aug. 7th, 2014|01:36 am]

I'm going to be out of town Thursday through Sunday.  Going camping in Eastern Pennsylvania with a bunch of nerds and no cell phone service.  If you need this kid for anything, please let me know here or via email (fredadverb-at-gmail) and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

♥ Jeanne
(Riordan Troy)
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[Aug. 2nd, 2014|01:19 pm]

Going away again for a week! Gonna go visit a friend for a bit and explore some new places~ See ya on August 8!
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[Aug. 1st, 2014|04:55 pm]
Hey guys! I'm going to be wifi-free this weekend because my family is going on a vacation to the mountains, holla... and I need to be social and stuff (BLAH).

If you need me, feel free to text/email me, because I'm pretty sure the cell phone reception there is decent.

Have a great weekend! (And happy August!)
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[Jul. 29th, 2014|10:49 pm]

Bronte said I could put this up, so here's a meme!

Just take The Dating Persona Test as your character and post the results here! Characters can discuss IC about it or whatevs.

Of course everything is OOC knowledge! Have fun!
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Baby Plot! [Jul. 28th, 2014|10:49 am]


Due to the sheer number of incidents involving hormonally overcharged teenagers in the '20-'21 school year, Hogwarts is hereby instituting the "Egg Baby" project. As the unofficial guinea pigs of Hogwarts this year, sixth year students were required to attend and stay after breakfast on Sunday morning for the announcement of the project and to receive their eggs. Students were paired off at random, given a very large sized egg, and asked to press their hand to their egg for a full ten seconds. After the ten seconds were up, the eggs grew very warm for a brief moment. Students were then given the following information:

1. The eggs keep an internal record of how well they're cared for. Leaving your egg alone, or dropping it, etc will negatively impact your final mark on the project.
2. Information packets are attached and will be updated with more information as the project progresses.

After all that was done, students were dismissed from the Great Hall. Approximately twenty-four hours after the assignment was given, however, the eggs all began to… hatch. What came out of the eggs was a rather life-like baby with physical similarities to its project "parents". The babies don't quite feel right, or quite look right, but they're impressively realistic all the same. The information packets became several pages thicker as the babies hatched. One of the new pages in the information packet informed students that tapping their wand three times against the page would transfigure the small paper bottle attached to the page into a real bottle that would satisfy the baby's need to eat -- and never actually require refilling. The information packets reiterated that students were meant to treat the project babies as actual babies and care for them accordingly.

Egg Baby Pairings. )
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[Jul. 24th, 2014|09:47 am]

Happy Thursday! Cat looks like this now.

And now I'm back to work, carry on.
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[Jul. 23rd, 2014|04:07 pm]

Hi All!

We've just made a change to the letter posting process. Instead of a letter drop box being posted every week we've made one master post here (also linked on the navigation post in the mod journal). This means that if you and your letter writing partner are super eager you can post more than once a fortnight and also that you don't have to wait for me to remember it's a new week and post the newest dropbox and you don't need to go back and find the old post if you can't remember what the last letter that you're meant to be replying to said!

The minimum requirement is still once a fortnight and I will follow up with those who haven't posted letters yet (later. Once my brain recovers from typing in so many captchas to repost all those letters anonymously) but feel free to post more regularly now if you'd like.

Hope this post makes sense, any questions just ask.

♥ Bronte
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[Jul. 9th, 2014|06:41 pm]
Hi friends! I am back from retreat :) We're going to move through modding things slowly because Bronte and I both still have a lot on irl and need a break tonight, so please bear with us as we go through adding the latest characters into the game files. Character-wise, I'm a little bit out of the loop with the game, so let me know what my characters should know/link me to things in their respective comments below!

Also, because I was so busy, I've probably missed intros and things. If you want to plot anything with any of mine, consider me always open to lines and ideas! You can drop me a line here or email me.
♥ C
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[Jul. 6th, 2014|11:40 pm]

So, a conversation took place at breakfast Monday morning at the Ravenclaw table. This is merely posted for the eavesdroppers and the prefects who would likely take points for all the foul language that took place.

I just c/ped what Megan and I discussed.

Chelsea and Talia butt heads. )
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[Jul. 7th, 2014|09:10 am]

A few quick notes:

1. It was both of our birthdays on Friday so neither of us were around all weekend and now Cilla is in the land of no reception. I know there are a few mod things outstanding, thank you for being patient with us, we will get to it once Cilla is back and has reception again. ❤
2. On the rules and prefects guideline doc prefect meetings were at 7pm Tuesdays but since this is now Social Committee time prefect meetings will now be 7pm Thursday. This is an ooc change so as far as prefects know prefects meetings have always been on Thursdays for this year. If anyone can see any reason why Thursdays at 7pm doesn't work/can see a clash please let me know. Scheduling is hard :(
3. I will post a new letter box tomorrow for the B letters. If you haven;t written you A letters yet, please try do so before then! If you're a B person and you don't receive an A letter by the time the new drop box goes up, please write you B letter as if it is the first letter and we will contact those who haven't written their A letters and check that they're still interested/reassign pairings if necessary. The letter box is here if you still need to write your letter and don't want to go looking for it!

Thank you for all being so great, I have really enjoyed reading the letters so far and am looking forward to the responses!!
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[Jul. 6th, 2014|12:00 am]

Hey, everyone!

Just wanted to let you all know that I'm going on vacation starting tomorrow and won't be back until the night of the 13'th! I might have internet from tomorrow until the tenth, but I'm not certain. Anyway, see you guys then!

Riley (Benton Avery, Lux Pritchard, Chandler Greyson)
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[Jul. 5th, 2014|11:26 am]

Meant to post this yesterday but got distracted, so he got another day in.

Either way: Jones caved and are a muffin this morning at breakfast . And it wasn't even vegan.
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[Jul. 4th, 2014|09:06 pm]

Unexpected hiatus! We ended up going out of town for the fourth and my connection is spottier than usual for some reason. I'll be back on Sunday though, with Ollie, Divya, and Ines in tow!
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[Jul. 4th, 2014|05:38 pm]
HI GUYS, I am going to be pretty slow/unavailable from now until Wednesday because birthday/writer's retreat! Any modding ship will be dealt with when I'm back ♥
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[Jul. 3rd, 2014|10:41 pm]

I am off on a road trip for Fourth of July weekend, so my availability for the next three days will be spotty at best.  If there's something that Riordan needs to see, please email me!  fredadverb-at-gmail ♥
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[Jul. 2nd, 2014|06:26 pm]


At the Welcome Back dinner, after welcoming all the new students to Hogwarts, Professor Babbling's speech:
  • Introduced the new alchemy teacher, Professor Yvonne Bampton. It was explained that she had taught at Hogwarts before but usually taught at the Egyptian Centre for Alchemy.
  • Reminded students of some of the most important school rules and that they can always check the full list of school rules in a book found in each common room and the library, with a prefect who received their own copy when they received their badge and, for sixth years, in their journals. She also announced Drusilla Viridian and Edmond Pucey as the heads and had them stand up so everyone knew who to contact if needed.
  • Announced that two new shared common rooms had been built over break for use of students from all houses - an enclosed outdoor courtyard with heating charms and a room indoors that now has lounge chairs and games for everyone to use but which can’t be taken from the room. She encouraged students to use these to interact with students of different houses but reminded them that normal curfews still applied to these rooms and that they were public areas and so to be used as such.
  • Requested that 6th years stayed back after dinner for a special meeting.

At this meeting the letter project was announced and Professor Babbling went over the guidelines, which student will now find in the front of their journals, along with their pairing letter/number combo. Everyone should have oocly received this combo now, please let us know if you haven't!

An anonymous comment enabled drop box will be put up for As to post their letters. These can be listed any time between now and July 6. A second drop box will go up on July 7th for Bs to respond to these letters, and so on and so forth. Please make sure you remember to comment anonymously and not to reveal your letter code to anyone!

There will be a space for ooc and ic questions below.
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[Jul. 1st, 2014|03:39 am]


Hello everyone! Talk about last-minute, eh? I am Lauren and I am late to the party! I know a bunch of you already, but for those of you I don't, I'm a 26-year-old former journalist (starting a new job next week!) from South Florida! You can find me at [info]hallow or on AIM at roarlaurenroar

I am bringing you just one, Owen Abercrombie, sixth year Slytherin prefect! Some of you have played with iterations of him in the past! Owen is the kind of reserved, snarky ass who always tends to have the oddest friendships for some reason (I say this from an OOC perspective). Personality-wise, he's distant and doesn't like to talk about feelings very much. Superficial friendships are his thing, though I imagine he has a few closer friends, and those people probably see the much more vulnerable side. As a prefect, Owen basically refuses to take anyone's shit. He's fair enough, but doesn't back down. He tends to be more relaxed while approaching rule breakers, but he still enforces the rules. Complaints are met with "Yeah, yeah, take it to the Headmaster" and he doesn't get too worried about people being mad at him over it. That's not to say he always follows every rule, but for the most part he's pretty responsible.

Owen the son of Euan Abercrombie and Emma Dobbs, who run Abercrombie & Pitch, a Quidditch-inspired fashion empire (I fail at life, forgive me, I could not pass it up). He's got some daddy issues, with his family wanting him to take over the business and him having exactly 0 interest beyond being the guy who gets to hire the models. (He's tried to use that as a pickup line, it rarely works). Mostly, he's tired of seeing his last name plastered on people's bodies, TYVM. He's not really sure what he wants to do with his life (he plays Quidditch, but no hopes to go pro), and really wants to figure that out. Unfortunately he's mostly coasted by in school and is kind of a mess when it comes to having any direction or purpose.

NEEDS: One or two close friends, people who take his brusque personality in stride and don't hold it against him. Maybe enemies? He can certainly rub people the wrong way and not care about it. Also, one or two exes who he dated but didn't do much physically with. I'm open for other lines, as well!
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[Jun. 30th, 2014|10:30 pm]


Everyone else ignore Peony's weirdness and carry on.
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