Dearly Beloved OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Dearly Beloved OOC

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[24 Dec 2007|07:48am]

Hello my fellow Rpers.

I’m Nikki. I will be playing both Seamus Finnigan and Derek Bole. Feel free to stalk their journals for more pretty pictures. They’re there for a reason!

Derek is a former Slytherin, very independent and opinionated, but his bark is worse than his bite. Seamus is…Seamus. Who doesn’t love an Irish lad, right?

You can reach me at:
AIM: aftermmod

That’s all I got for now…

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukah!!!!!
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[24 Dec 2007|08:44pm]
He's really going to regret this, I think, but. Veritaserum game? Ron's in >>;
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[ viewing | December 24th, 2007 ]
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