Monday, April 14th, 2008


Before we get seriously going, I just wanted to mention a few things. First of all, I know what it's like to run a game and choose the plot and moderate it. So, that isn't the issue. What I'd like to know is what you all would like before something gets set in stone (though, we've always got options, haven't we? XD ).

Secondly, I hate being thought of as a mod. So, aside from approving applications and keeping lists up to date, I like to act as a regular member as much as possible. So please don't think of me as some bossy e-mail-sending, IM-nagging wench who wants to be the cock of the walk. I just want to hang out with you guys and keep stuff rolling. Nazi!mods can suck it. So, if you have ideas or suggestions, don't be afraid to let me know. Make the game yours. If you have modly thoughts or things about the plot - anything, I'm all ears and I don't offend easy. And for those of you who are thinking about taking on more characters in the future, please remember that you don't have to APPLY for them. Let me know who you'd like and fill out their profile. If there's something that seems off, I'll let you know. But I just have to get a heads up so I can add them in and take them from the WANTED lists, etc. So, stick a comment on the holds page or send an e-mail.

My thoughts for the general plot that would be effecting all characters at least to some degree: (most of these have been done, but here are a few twists)

THE LEGACY VIRUS as a sexually transmitted disease.
THE CURE is infused with a drug meant to subdue the sexual needs of mutants.
THE SENTINELS are brought into play.
THE MUTANT REGISTRATION ACT is brought back for vote after the events at Alkali Lake and includes marriage restrictions for mutants.


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