the original & unsent letters' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
the original & unsent letters

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[19 Jan 2008|03:23pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | "The Way" - Fastball ]

Dear R,


Stopping the writing of letters to you in "public" now.


letters to you . .

[19 Jan 2008|04:37pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]

Dear self,

Why is it that you're so afraid to open up to people anymore? Why can't you get people to see what you've been trying to say all along? All they want to see is what others say of you and you know the truth but they don't want to talk to you. Please stop being so depressed, too, it's hurting you more than anyone even cares to see.

With love,

Dear you,

Why do you continue throwing barbs at me every chance you get to? You could care less about me, so why take enjoyment from casting pain on me? Leave me alone.

No love,
letters to you . .

[ viewing | January 19th, 2008 ]
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