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El Día De Los Muertos

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[27 Oct 2007|05:06pm]

[ mood | calm ]
[ music | silence ]

Oh, sweet bird!
You endured so much:
silliness, neglect, foul weather
never kept you from your appointed rounds.

Tis so cruel that you
would meet your end
so unceremoniously.

I hereby offer
this splendid oak tree
to you for your final roost,
Should you wish to light here
even for a moment, I would be blessed by your angel's wings.

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at long last, a reunion [27 Oct 2007|12:23am]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | rain falling ]

a drawing inspired by Carpet Deimon's story:
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For both stag and doe: Out in the Night [26 Oct 2007|06:53pm]

Title: Out in the Night
Author: [info]carpet_diemon
Rating: PG
Pairing: Snarry
Word Count: 950
Summary: Harry keeps a long-standing appointment.
A/N: No beta as usual. An early birthday gift for [info]mac_tunes, which I am posting here on [info]venturous's suggestion.

He had to complete one final errand...
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Im Memoriam-- Ted Tonks [25 Oct 2007|04:55pm]

Author: Bitterfig 

Title: In Memoriam 

Fandom: Harry Potter

Characters/Pairing: Ted Tonks/Andromeda Black Tonks, Nymphadora Tonks, Dean Thomas, Dirk Cresswell, Fenrir Greyback

Summary: The life and death of Ted Tonks.

Beta Reader: Nzomniac

Word Count: 6193

Rating: R

Warnings: Deathly Hallow spoilers. Mature themes involving trauma, depression and suicidal ideation. Rape. Violence/gore. Language.

Author’s Note: This is a story that I originally wrote in September for the livejournal community in_memoriam_7 using the theme table "Spells".

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any illegal acts taking place within that fiction are NOT condoned by the author. Depictions of any questionable, illegal, or potentially illegal activity in said fiction does not mean that I condone, promote, support, participate in, or approve of said activity. I grasp the distinction between fiction and reality and trust that readers will do the same. I do not profit from the fan fiction I write, and all rights to the characters remain firmly in the hands of their creator.

(In Memoriam-- Ted Tonks (1/2))

(In Memoriam-- Ted Tonks (2/2))
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[non-fic] Putting a name on it [16 Oct 2007|08:09pm]

(I hope this qualifies as an "essay". I usually use that term for something more scholarly than this, which is more of an anecdote. Please slap gently if slapping is wonted!)

I do not have much experience with grief. So far in my life, no person that I knew that has died was anyone I had any particular feelings about (really I would say they were people I knew "of" rather than knew). I was therefore wandering in terra incognita trying to process Snape's death and watching the reaction of the fan collective.

The feelings were confusing, ghostly, unnameable, like the first time you feel love or jealousy or compassion, and find yourself surprised at what seems to be happening to you, and at a loss for comprehension. It took me two weeks even to recognize that "grief" was its proper name.

At the time I remarked in a conversation with my fiance: "You know what all this screeching about Snape's death is. It's the same as what people would do if a real live person were pointlessly, randomly, undignifiedly taken from them. It's actual grief. [...] and my brain is groping for the only other time I've done this, because I know I've remarked on it before, but for the life of me I can't remember what character in what series."

I racked my brains for hours on end trying to think when I had felt this emotion before, what other character it was that was that had so captivated me that I had mourned for them like this.

It came to me at about 3:45 AM, still awake over this (ain't it always the way?). I was mentally touching on characters in the same circular lists, over and over again, waiting for my gut feeling to pop one out at me. How could I have forgotten this, if it was that strong once that it was nagging at me so, just out of my mental reach? I hoped that the body knew more than the mind.

"Can't be anyone from Red Dwarf. *touch* Rimmer being dead is milked for a lot of jokes, and it's not like he's not there anyway. LotR? *touch* *touch* That's impossible. Too mythic and remote. ElfQuest? *touch* What? No. Hitchhiker's? Did anyone really die in that? *touch* Can't be Marvin (although that was a bit of a sniffler)."

I chuckled to myself. "Wouldn't it be funny if I had been thinking of a real pers--"

And there, at last, was the gut clench I had been waiting for. (As it happens, it was Douglas Adams.)

Some of that experience came floating back. The "wait -- wait -- no. You're joking. How could HE possibly up and die??" The "so, you mean, I'm never going to hear from him ever again?" In short, the sense of the gaping hole where a person used to be part of my life, next to me, even if only metaphorically speaking.

So, clearly, my heart puts Severus on a level with any other flesh-and-blood person, just as worthy of these kind of emotions, if it's decided to pick this case to have them for only the second time in my entire life.

I'm not even sure what tense to use. Have? Had? I should probably stick to the present tense, since I am probably still buried deep in denial and bargaining. After all, what else is picking apart canon trying to see if there's written support for the idea that he actually survived, in defiance of what "God" seems to have decreed?

I can only suppose that to bear a fruit of this kind of genuine anger and sorrow, one must first have planted a seed of genuine give-a-damn -- in other words, love (whatever exact breed that love may be).

It's a little strange to think that I feel this way about someone who, in the usual sense of the word, never actually lived in the first place, but it's pleasant, in a shadowy way, to know that I can.
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Fic Repost: Not Touching You, NC-17 [17 Oct 2007|09:13am]

This, my loves, is smut. It is. However, it's also tangled up a little with the odd attachment I have to the dead boys, and so I'm posting it here because none of them got out alive.

Dedicated to the dark haired boys of the seventies.

Regulus, my melancholy little hero. You went out defiantly, in secret, and it was years before anyone cared enough to find out how and why. You're a mystery, darling.
Sirius, you always seemed like you wanted to blaze, and had to hide for so much of your later life. At least you went out fighting.
Severus. Severus, Severus. How could I not love you? Vilified for so much of your life, walking that fine line. I don't hold any romantic views as to your inherent sweetness; no, I think you had cankers to the core. You deserved better. Not just a better ending; a better life.

Hee. So I follow my dedication with teh pr0n. I plan to post some new material for this, but just to help get things rolling...

Title: Not Touching You
Length: 868 words
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Sirius/Regulus (sorta), Regulus/Severus
Warnings: implied incest

(Cut to fic on my journal)
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Darkness approaches (non-fic) [16 Oct 2007|01:51pm]

[ mood | sad ]
[ music | kronos plays sigur ros ]

Mid October, northern hemishphere. Darkness approaches. Every day it sifts under the doorsills a bit earlier, and is harder to sweep out in the morning rush. Coolness, at first welcome, comes stealing too, until it's sucking mouth begins to draw too much heat away from my bones, and I curse it.It hasn't rained in weeks, and that has brought the pretty leaves crashing down, brown and crackling like dead roaches. The bones of the deer are poking through her rotted hide now, coarse fur loosened and falling aside like milkweed floss.

My mother died in October, a long time ago now, strange as it seems. Before I found my stride in the adult world, before I learned to love my dark side. All the love and work and writing and viding and drawing that are happening now, in the wake of Deathly Hallows, honoring our Beloved Dead, is stirring the real stories up from under the silt of time that pretends to obscure them. As I am grieving for Severus, (and Hedwig, and Tonks, and Fred, and and and...) I am transported to an island on the Canadian border, 15 years ago and 500 miles away....
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For Severus: Atque In Perpetuum [16 Oct 2007|12:05am]

Title: Atque In Perpetuum
Author: [info]nishizono
Characters: Severus/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: They aren't mine.

Summary: In time, they will forget, but you won't.

Author's notes: Please be forewarned that this story contains themes of a disturbing nature.

Time Does Not Heal All Wounds )
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In Memoriam [15 Oct 2007|11:49pm]


In Memoriam

Regulus Black
Sirius Black
Vincent Crabbe
Colin Creevey
Barty Crouch Senior
Cedric Diggory
Albus Dumbledore
Lily Evans
Nicholas Flamel
Merope Gaunt
Igor Karkaroff
Bellatrix Lestrange
Remus Lupin
Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody
James Potter
Quirinus Quirrell
Peter Pettigrew
Tom Riddle
Rufus Scrimgeour
Severus Snape
Nymphadora Tonks
Fred Weasley

And all those whose souls have passed before us.
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