Tuesday, September 1st, 2015

[Network, public]

For anyone who might be wondering, do not feed those moth things. Unless you want a cuddly, slightly spooky, glittery buddy to follow you everywhere. And boy does that powdery stuff from their wings get everywhere. I look like I've been through a craft store explosion.
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Sunday, August 23rd, 2015

NETWORK : public

If giant rats were not bad enough, now there are these flying bug things. And they are fuzzy and huge and disgusting.

We are going to need an extremely large amount of insect repellent in New York. Or an unusually competent exterminator.
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Tuesday, August 18th, 2015

[Network Post]

Okay guys and gals, I think the time has come to take stock of some things. From what I can tell by asking around, there seem to be people that mostly fall in two camps: Those who live in a world where Metropolis and Gotham are real cities, and those who don't. Now would be a great time to check in and let us know which world you're from. Bonus points for any extra details about your world that you could share. It seems that things from both worlds have merged, but I'm still trying to sort out what's what and who's who. And I imagine I'm not the only one trying to figure this all out. So let's help each other. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours sort of thing.

And also, do we have an official name for the New York/Gotham City hybrid that's cropped up? My vote's for New Gotham, personally. Gotham York just doesn't have the same ring to it.
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Saturday, August 1st, 2015

[Network Post]

Well,thank whatever powers are up there for this sudden downpour.

Who wants to dance in the rain with me?
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Friday, July 31st, 2015


Distress call!

Something tells me I've missed a lot more than just the past few years...

Pretty sure when I "Left" The sun wasn't trying to hump the earth and Gotham city wasn't real.

Please tell me this isn't hell. I'd like to think I deserved at least a shot at Limbo.
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Wednesday, July 29th, 2015

[ NETWORK :: public ]

So, I've never been particularly good at making friends. Outside of the team and Carol. Here in bizarro world I've just got Peter.

Now, Peter is a great guy and all that but I think I need to branch out. Is it pathetic to try and make friends on the internet? Because I could really use a hand wrapping up Brazil.
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Tuesday, July 14th, 2015

NETWORK : public

[Guardians private communication network Encryption failed.]

14:21. This is Dupli-Kate requesting sit-rep. Guardians, please report.

14:21. Immortal, this is your wife, please report.

14:27. Any Global Defense Agency operative, please respond. Dupli-Kate requesting immediate sit-rep.

14:33. Robot, please report. Requesting immediate sit-rep.

14:41. Fucking Guardians of the Globe, this is Dupli-Kate. Where the hell is my husband?

14:50. Honey, I swear, if you don't answer me this moment I will divorce you and take the children.

15:03. Is anyone receiving? Please respond.
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Friday, July 3rd, 2015

NETWORK : public

I know we're all focused on the vermin problem and the squishy-universes problem, but can we take a minute to discuss how awesome this reality is for retro movie buffs right now? There's a Mad Max sequel out. There's a Jurassic Park sequel out. The next Star Wars movie comes out this year and it might actually be good.

I came back to the best Earth. This is the brightest timeline. If anybody needs me, I'll be marathoning. Break glass in case of emergency, you know the drill.

PRIVATE : Zatanna )
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Thursday, June 18th, 2015

Public Network Post

All right. Who is out there, and what are we doing about these gigantic rat things? Sounds like they're all over, so I think it's time to organize some teams to protect as many areas as we can manage.
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Sunday, June 7th, 2015

[ NETWORK :: public ]

This? This right here? This is the reason I quit the Avengers. So much for a semi-normal life.

At least it's not space. At least it's not a war again.
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Friday, May 29th, 2015

tag post

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