Wednesday, August 5th, 2015


[Texts to Kate Bishop]
→ Hey, so, how's everything?
→ I have kind of a weird question for you.
→ Were you at the party when Noh played DJ and Tommy came back?
→ I'm not crazy, I promise.
→ ... :)

[Texts to Tommy Shepherd]
→ Hey, what's up?
→ Are you doing okay?

[Texts to Cassie Lang]
I never deleted your contact
I don't even know what to say to
→ Hi, Cassie? It's Teddy.
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Monday, July 20th, 2015

[Network: Public]


Has anybody seen my sweet ride!

My poor baby vespa is out there all alone in this big scary world! It's super important that she is returned to me. I last parked her inside the new Vespa dealership next to a row of three others.

Oh and if the manager starts yelling at you about needing to pay for it before driving off the lot. Ignore that, he just wants the reward money all to himself.

Yes kiddies you heard that right, Reward money! Pleasepaymeonlyincash.
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Friday, May 29th, 2015

tag post

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