Monday, August 24th, 2015

[Public Network]

MERCENARY FOR HIGHER! Need someone dead? I'm your guy! Need a hot date? They call me Merc with a mouth for more than just one reason.

Don't be shy, call this guy! For a fee. Always a fee.
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Tuesday, July 14th, 2015

NETWORK : public

[Guardians private communication network Encryption failed.]

14:21. This is Dupli-Kate requesting sit-rep. Guardians, please report.

14:21. Immortal, this is your wife, please report.

14:27. Any Global Defense Agency operative, please respond. Dupli-Kate requesting immediate sit-rep.

14:33. Robot, please report. Requesting immediate sit-rep.

14:41. Fucking Guardians of the Globe, this is Dupli-Kate. Where the hell is my husband?

14:50. Honey, I swear, if you don't answer me this moment I will divorce you and take the children.

15:03. Is anyone receiving? Please respond.
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Friday, May 29th, 2015

tag post

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