dust till dawn → out of character's Journal
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Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

    Time Event
    May 12th, 2009
    It has come to our attention that currently, there's just not enough plots going around for everybody. There's characters that are drifting around, etc. So, we will be posting up a post in a few minutes that will be a master post. What that means is that it will always remain at the top of the OOC page, and will be used for your purposes. It will be where everyone talks about plot ideas, characters, etc. When you get that random thought in the middle of the night that goes like this "Man, my character and so and so should really do this," you will comment with that idea in the plot post and we will update the post. Guys, the mods are tired of holding hands. Lately, there has been a new burst of activity, and that's fantastic! We're thrilled. However, if people don't start plotting, that activity will dwindle like it's so prone to do. It is up to you to plot for your characters. Also, we have noticed that certain characters have been neglected use-wise. Since we're such a small group, it's normal that we have people carrying more than one character, but those characters need to be played. Otherwise, they're gathering dust.

    So, the master post will be up in a little bit, and it will be to your benefit that you take part in it. If you don't, we will assume that you are either lazy, or don't particularly care if your character gets plot.

    Guys, this is a really great storyline. It's been around for just over two years. That's right - two years. Not many storylines make it that far. Everyone here is an amazing player. We just need to see some more plot stirrin', is all! It's summer, which means everyone will ( should ) have more time. Theoretically, we should be seeing tons of threads. And please remember that it is perfectly fine to scene through AIM, just as long as you log it!
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