dust till dawn → out of character's Journal
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Thursday, May 7th, 2009

    Time Event
    May 7th, 2009
    Here are the first part of the awards, guys! :D Shay will post her section when she's finished with them. Please upload these to your own server ( like photobucket, tinypic, etc ) if using them on a website.

    click me for awards! )
    2 reply
    May 7th, 2009
    So, apparently, my brain got all jumbled. Turns out, voting ending on the eighth. I must have confused that with the scooby thread, which I said needed to be ended on the sixth. So, here's the dealio. The people who did not submit their votes yet, and that won awards will still be given said awards, since this was my blunder, not theirs. ( Gina, forgive me! ) There is only one change, and since it was a tie, no one loses their award! :D There is only one added award, and that is;

    Most accurate male canon portrayal: Tie between Xander and Dean

    Gina, I will work on your award right now! :D
    May 7th, 2009
    Here you go, Gina! :DDD

    3 reply

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