dust till dawn → out of character's Journal
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Wednesday, August 27th, 2008

    Time Event
    August 27th, 2008
    Hey everyone! Ok so I totally thought I was going to have more time but this past week has been hectic with getting ready for Dragon Con. Although with the last tag I got from you Shay for Spike/Justice I thought it could be a good place to end, I was gonna put up a post for Spike taking place after that but well now here I am still packing and about to leave in like an hour so yea if you want that thread to end and I'm going to be gone until Tuesday night but I wouldn't really expect to see myself posting till Weds or Thursday! Which if anyone wants to plot some with me before then, I'll be slightly on since I have a sidekick and well during the night tonight driving I'll be on it and then during any down time this weekend. So email me or comment to this if anyone wants to plot!


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