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Monday, August 4th, 2008

    Time Event
    August 4th, 2008
    i think mostly everyone here knows me from [info]sinsofourfather. BUT for those of you who don't - i'm imogen!

    shay asked me if I could pick up Dru here, since more big bads are needed. someone has to turn up the heat, right? rawr.

    so, i am here to just that my friends.

    spam me with plot, thread proposals, or bug me on the myzaree! your choice. :D
    9 reply
    August 4th, 2008
    Okay, so we're back a day earlier than what we planned! This afternoon, Riley started feeling bad, so we just decided to come on home. He's fine now, and much fun was had! Everybody was great, and I kicked some ass at volley ball.
    1 reply

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