June 1st, 2013


[No Subject]

I have fallen asleep before and ended up at a pet shelter or with a hook around my neck, but never have I ended up in a different city entirely. Seriously some of these building look like I'm in Tron.



[Filter: Newly Arrived]

[Newly Arrived]
Anyone new to the town, lost and confused feel free to stop in to the Ante Up club. I will give you free food, drinks and a place to stay until you find your footing.




Holy fucking new people, what the fuck? Did you all have the same weird dream or something? It's not often we get so many newbies at once, but if you're looking for something fun to do come down to 'Designate This' fight club. Me and the boss man put on a good show, and have the best brawlers in Flux.

Oh yeah, I'm Angrboða, or Riley, whichever works for you. Just don't call me anything cute or I'll deck you.




I don't know what is happening...I'm going to kill the next person who walks up to me and asks if everything is okay... HAHAHA this was refreshingly unexpected. And no you're not.

[No Subject]

[White Queenie]
WE HAVE AN ALICE!! I mean she's not the real Alice but she fell down a rabbit hole, so she's a neeewww Alice.

[No Subject]

Like Riley said. For all those new guys who might want to earn a little extra cash by fighting. I manage Designate This and would love to see what you have to bring us. You normal old humans can play too if you think you can handle it, but if you're not somehow empowered by whatever means, you probably won't last.

Upon entering our fights you wave your or your family's right to sue us.

I go by Arron, but feel free to call me by my real name which is Ares.



[No Subject]

And let god's will be done.
It's good to know that I am not alone in the sudden displacement from my home. This city looks beautiful as I have spent the day walking it trying to find maps of where it is located exactly. So many people looked at me strangely when I asked and then didn't even give me an answer.
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first light.

I'm afraid I am not familiar with a Flux on the world map, and I have been on earth for some time.



first bite

All I had wanted was to pick up some groceries, but instead I find myself in some strange place... at least it seems I'm not the only stranger here. I will not ask where it is we are or how we got here, though I would appreciate it if someone could point me towards a place to stay. I have some money, if that helps...



u n o.


Combine a murderer, a misogynist, a mama's boy, and a sweet little homemaker, and what else can you have but the most touching first family reunion? It brings a tear to my eye.

[ filter; agrat & lilith ]
How long before Cain will take a rock to Abel again? I'm most curious. Or perhaps, after this time, he's thought of more creative ways to end his brother's life.