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[30 Dec 2016|06:07pm]
Sooooo, there is this other character floating around, yet to be completed for this incarnation. Amelia Goyle. She's the middle Goyle child, in her second year out of Hogwarts, but the youngest playable one. She has a biiiiiiig line I'd like filling before bringing her in though. I mean I will probably bring her in before if I can't find it, but I'd like to have it. Ok, stop rambling.

Amelia needs a baby daddy. She's going to have a 3 month old son when she comes into the game, most definitely not planned! This time I'd prefer her to have not run away to have the kid though, which means it works best if the baby daddy knows it's his. He can be as involved or not as he wants, not claimed or accepted the child as being his at all if he wants, I'm willing to work with almost ANYTHING for this line!

I know it's a long shot, but... anyone tempted?
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[ viewing | December 30th, 2016 ]
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