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[25 Dec 2016|11:44pm]
HEY Y'all! It's Erin. Many of you know me already, some don't, and I'd love to meet you. I'm bringing in two characters to the game.

This journal is Lily Luna Potter, youngest (playable) child of Harry and Pansy. She's 19 going on 20, currently an Apprentice Healer at St. Mungos, in the Maternity/Nursery wing, though she'd rather be in emergency magic. Lily is a people-pleaser who's been in the spotlight her whole life. She's a competitive overachiever, a Chaser for Ravenclaw, and a Triwizard competitor (eliminated in the final round by injury). Lily is often her harshest critic, but also has trouble controlling her impulses. She's a thrill seeker with a string of questionable boyfriends she can't seem to avoid. I would love lines for her.

Second is Ginny Zabini Weasley [info]enough_nerve, who all Quidditch fans know as the Hollyhead Harpies chaser right out of Hogwarts, who is currently the senior Quidditch corespondent to the Prophet. She was pairbonded with Blaise. She's fiery, outspoken, assertive, and sarcastic- she's also caring, warm, and loyal. Basically Molly 2.0.

Looking forward to playing! Hit me up for plots.
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