October 3rd, 2010

[info]livans in [info]darkmarkowls

To: Sirius Black.
From: Lily Evans.
Contents: A note and this onesie, wrapped in blue rattle-patterned paper.

a gift for a future gift! )

[info]coquettishness in [info]darkmarkowls

To: Andromeda Black.
From: Narcissa Black.
Contents: A note )

[info]crumpets in [info]darkmarkowls

To: Gryffindors.
From: Molly Prewett.
Contents: A large basket of muffins and a note.

placed on a table in the Gryffindor common room with this note attached )

[info]ontherock in [info]darkmarkowls

To: Sirius Black.
From: Andromeda Black.
Contents: A howler )