A sign of celebrity is often that their name is wo's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
A sign of celebrity is often that their name is wo

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Application [17 Aug 2010|11:36am]

AIM Screenname (if applicable):
Cyrus? If not, how are they connected to the Cyrus family?:
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[12 Aug 2010|10:55pm]

Comment here to place a hold.

1. This is a group PSL for the Cyrus family and all associated with them (so friends, co-stars, boy-friends, etc.)
2. You are welcome to play any way you'd like (threads, aim, google docs, etc.) but please post your scene or at least a link directing me to your scene, just so I know there is activity going on.
3. Please have some idea about who your character is. I understand we cannot do an exact portrayal of our muse because, let's face it, we are taking our own interpretation of the celebrities we see and writing them, but please know where they live, what they are doing, how old they are, etc. Have a basic knowledge of how they act as well.
4. Down to the basics. Don't mix IC drama and OOC drama and vice versa.
5. Be active! Nobody likes or has any interest in someone who only updates once a month. I understand things come up, and I will be the first to admit that I can not update everyday but please have a scene or IC conversation (AIM, text, phone, etc.) posted at least every 3 days, and a substantial update (a scene or in-character journal entry) every 7 days. If you are threading with another member, please be courteous and keep them updated if you are going to be more than 4 days replying (respond quicker if possible, but life comes first!)
6. Please be able to spell and write decent scenes. Nobody likes a one liner, and *laughs* doesn't get you any farther in a scene than you were before the response.
7. This community will be used for scenes, introductions, whatever you like. If the need arises, I can set up sub-communities later.
7. Last but not least, Have fun!
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[12 Aug 2010|10:43pm]

Miley Cyrus [info]smileyhope
Brandi Cyrus [info]brandiglencyrus

Billy Ray Cyrus
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