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darkest lines

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[14 Nov 2009|01:58pm]
Sooo I am in the process of putting this girl together, and realized I should probably beg for lines. Basically, the stuff I have figured out thus far: she's on the Russian side by default (she's Russian), a semi-practicing Muslim and works as a bartender at Tunnel. Her family immigrated to Chicago when she was 14, and I'm thinking her dad probably had some connections to the mafia both in the Motherland and Chicago so she'd probably know most of the Russians. She's shaping up to be a bit naive, a bit socially awkward and a compulsive baker so...cookies for all!

Anyway, I'd love for someone to be her distant cousin or some such, just to provide a family connection. And besides that, any and all lines are loved!
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[ viewing | November 14th, 2009 ]
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