<=LASTN_HEAD Darkest Secrets - a Future Era Harry Potter RPG's Journal
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Darkest Secrets - a Future Era Harry Potter RPG

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Posted by darkest secrets on February 11th, 2008 @ 3:29pm

{WHO} Cas Davies and Serenity Horton
{WHEN} February 10th, 8pm
{WHERE} Astronomy Tower
{WHY} massages!
{RATING} PG-13, maybe higher

i'm like a record and you're like a record, so just let the dj mix us )
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Posted by darkest secrets on February 10th, 2008 @ 8:55pm

WHO: Julian and Autumn
WHAT: Talking.
WHEN: After their owl
WHERE: Common room hallway closet.
WHY: Cause, they need too.
RATING: We'll see?
STATUS: Open to those above.

watch you scream now hold on to me, your smile, your triggering me )
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Posted by darkest secrets on February 10th, 2008 @ 3:18pm

Who Lawrence Zabini and party goers
When Saturday; starting around 8 pm
Where Slytherin Common Room
What Everyone is celebrating Law's birthday.
Status Incomplete.
Rating TBD. Probably high because of the nature of this event.

Slytherin was the house of elegance after all )
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Posted by darkest secrets on February 10th, 2008 @ 3:33pm

Who: Riddle & Annaliese Pucey
When: After his encounter with Brooklyn
Where: Slytherin Common Room
What: He's acting childish and ignoring her.
Status: Incomplete. Anna and Riddle only.
Rating: TBD

Childish Behaviour )
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Posted by darkest secrets on February 10th, 2008 @ 3:12pm

Who: Riddle Pucey & Brooklyn Flint
When: Saturday Night
Where: Slytherin Common Room
What: He bumps into Brooklyn?
Status: Incomplete. Riddle and Brooklyn only.
Rating: TBD. I have no idea how this will pan out.

two snakes in a pit, who will survive? )
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Posted by darkest secrets on February 9th, 2008 @ 12:56pm
WHO; Lily Potter, Athena Malfoy, and OPEN
WHERE; the Great Hall
WHEN; 9 February
WHY; Athena and Lily are about to start trouble.
RATING; PG-13 for language?

nothing you can say can stop me )
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Posted by darkest secrets on February 8th, 2008 @ 6:35pm

Who; Sage & Castus
What; Sage is going to 'talk' to Castus about his intentions.
Where; Around
When; Mid-Afternoon
Status; Closed/Incomplete


Sage was not having a good past couple of days. Last night had been the thing with Westly and right now he did not want to think about that. It was just not a good thing and each time he thought of the words coming at him he felt like going back into his room, curling up into a ball and never moving again. But he’d been told that that was common during the time you first loved liked someone, and so he was not going to let it phase him. He was going to move onto life and throw himself into other things.

Like making sure his sister didn’t get hurt again. Which was what he was doing. He was on his way to find Castus and talk to him about exactly what his intentions were, and then spell out the consequences of what would happen if Jasmine so much as pretended to look sad around the other man. He was not in a good mood, and so he was sure that he was perhaps going to be a little dramatic with this situation, but right now he simply wanted to have a nice little chat with the other man.
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Posted by darkest secrets on February 8th, 2008 @ 3:57pm

Who:Casey and Fiona
Where:The Great Hall and then who knows
When:Around four
Why:Because they're adorable and need to chat!
Thread:Closed and in progress

I'll take your invitation, you take all of me )
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Posted by darkest secrets on February 8th, 2008 @ 2:47pm

Who:Phoenix and Open!
Where:The dungeons
When:Around ten at night
Why:Because Phoenix needs something to do
Thread:Open and in progress

Things left better unsaid )
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Posted by darkest secrets on February 8th, 2008 @ 8:58am

WHO Albus Potter and Annaliese Pucey
WHAT Making Anna have fun
WHERE Library
WHEN february 8th
STATUS Incomplete/Closed
RATING pg-13?

Pack and get dressed before your father hears us.Before all hell breaks loose. )
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Posted by darkest secrets on February 8th, 2008 @ 5:27am

WHO sage goyle & westly nott
WHAT westly finds out who's been sending him the letters! angst ensues.
WHERE sage's dormitory
WHEN february 8th
STATUS angst! complete/log ; ~4000 word count
RATING pg-13

Looking at your picture from when we first met ; You gave me a smile that I could never forget ; And nothing I could do could protect me from you that night )

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Posted by darkest secrets on February 6th, 2008 @ 2:35pm

Who: Any and ALL
What: A "love" story
When: Couple of days before Valentine's
Where: The Great Hall
Rating: Don't care
Thread: OPEN!!!!!

Cupid's Arrow is simultaneously the most wonderful and most devastating weapon ever conceived... )
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Posted by darkest secrets on February 5th, 2008 @ 8:46pm

Who: Alice Longbottom and Albus Potter
What: Albus makes good on his promise, dinner, and then Alice reveals her secret.
Where: Ravenclaw House, and all around!
When: After classes on Tuesday
Rating" TBD? Pg-13?
Status: Close and incomplete

I'll tell you my secrets if you tell me yours. )
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Posted by darkest secrets on February 5th, 2008 @ 6:38pm

Who: Tara and Alexis
What: Random run in
Where: A hallway near the potions classroom
When: After classes on Tuesday
Rating: PG-13? R? For possible language
Status: Close and incomplete

If isn't the one actually good looking Hufflepuff )
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Posted by darkest secrets on February 5th, 2008 @ 1:37pm

Who:Raleigh and Brooklyn
Where:The Library!
When:Morning some time
Why:Because they have a study date?
Rating:Ask me later
Thread:Closed and in progress

Yay for studying and lame cut text! )
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