Darkest Secrets - a Future Era Harry Potter RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Darkest Secrets - a Future Era Harry Potter RPG

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[24 Feb 2008|08:28pm]
who: Dean and Autumn
what: Run into each other in the library
when: Feb. 24
where: Library
why: Cuz they are all grrr
rating: Pg-13
status: Closed and Incomplete

Dean walked into the library, a load of books under his right arm. He struggled to keep control of them all. He had pages and pages of homework to do and two exams to study for on Monday. He had procrastinated for too long and decided it was time to buckle down and study. His hazel eyes scanned the room for an empty table, but immediately sat upon a beautiful girl, the last girl he wanted to run into at the moment. It was her fault he could not get closer to Eleanor when he so despritely wanted to. Anger boiled in his stomach but his heart pounded madly in his chest and butterflies swarmed in his stomach.
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