Darkest Secrets - a Future Era Harry Potter RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Darkest Secrets - a Future Era Harry Potter RPG

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[04 Feb 2008|07:45pm]
WHO: Serenity and Jules
WHAT: Cheering up
WHERE: Hufflepuff common room
WHEN: Evening
WHY: Cause Jules needs some cheering up
STATUS Incomplete, open to the two

Serenity was always a sucker for helping people that were sad. She had this desire to make the world a better place and usually cheering people up helped to do that, at least on a small scale. Maybe it was her parents influence, or at least her mothers that had her caring for people. The Hortons always helped those in need, and well Serenity was a Horton through and through. Jules sounded like he needed a little cheering up too, so she headed down to the common room with some of the cookies her father had sent her last. Cookies could cheer everyone up right? Right!

Spotting Jules in the corner of the common room she walked over and smiled "Hey there sweetheart!" she told him with a grin, "How are you love?" she asked him with a smile, "Feeling any better?" she asked rubbing his back lightly "I brought you cookies."
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