Darkest Secrets - a Future Era Harry Potter RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Darkest Secrets - a Future Era Harry Potter RPG

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[17 Jan 2008|10:52am]
{WHO} Torin, Serenity, and Open
{WHERE} Stone Garden
{WHEN} 17th January, Mid day
{WHY} he has no classes and being outside at least he can breath
{RATING} PG-13 for now.

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[17 Jan 2008|05:06pm]
{who}: Cyrille & Jasmine
{where} : Starting at Slytherin
{why} : The cute ones miss each other, duh
{when} : after his journal
{rating} : TBD
{Status} : Open to those two, in progress

You and me, we're good for each other )
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[17 Jan 2008|07:50pm]
Who: Dean and Tira with Autumn in the end
What: Dean's loyalty to Autumn is tested
When: After classes
Where: The Owlry
Why: To make things interesting
Status: Closed to all but those listed

I prayed it would never happen. But it's inevitable. I never wanted to break your heart. )
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[17 Jan 2008|08:56pm]
WHO: Serenity Horton and Scorpius Malfoy
WHAT: Serenity runs into Scorpius
WHERE: Library
WHEN: Before dinner
WHY: Cause :-p
RATING: PG. Im sure they'll say mean things or something
STATUS closed to them, not finished.

I love hating you )
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[17 Jan 2008|09:24pm]
WHO: Serenity Horton and Casanova Davies
WHAT: Marshmallows and snow angels.
WHERE: Starts in the Ravenclaw Common room
WHEN: After dinner
WHY: Cause Serenity saw it coming ;-)
STATUS open to just the two, not complete.

I see you in my future. )
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[17 Jan 2008|10:42pm]
Who; Nadya & Sage
What; Sage needs to vent
Where; Secret room
When; Midnight
Rating; Sage is currently not sexually active sooo about PG-13 I'd say.


Sage sat on the arm of the couch before flopping backwards, laying down on it with a groan. He threw an arm over his face and shook his head. This was not going as well as he had hoped. He didn’t think this whole courting thing would be stressful, but it was and that made his horrible and even worse. Westly kept on talking about Sky and how he was going to date her and it took everything in his power not to say anything about it, not wanting to let go of the secret right now. And then not to mention that Sage knew that Westly was attracted to him at all, sure he’d sucked him off, but anyone would be crazy to say no to a blow job and Sage had sort of pressed a bit more than usual to get him to agree.

He just wanted the other man to sit up and take notice of him, just once. Sure, they were good mates, but Sage wanted more. And that scared him, more than he had ever thought possible. He just wasn’t that good with emotions or letting anyone in and it was taking a lot out of him to talk so openly with the other man. He felt like he was being pulled tightly in all different directions and he just wanted to relax, but he was adamant and he was going to finish this damn courting if it killed him. He’d planned, and he’d bought and even if Westly found out, Sage was still going to send those damn gifts.

And then not to mention the dumb idea not to have sex for quite some time. It wasn’t like he was saving himself for the other man, that’s ship had sailed a long, long time ago. He just felt odd fucking around when he was courting someone and so he had no way of distressing anymore aside from the bath and a wank, and that only did so much.

He groaned, turning his head to look at the door, waiting for Nadya. He needed a best friend right now.
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