Advertise your dark role playing games here. - August 22nd, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 22nd, 2016

Secure. Contain. Protect. [Aug. 22nd, 2016|01:11 am]


September 26th

It was a four-coffee day. That was what happened when one stayed up almost until dawn, reading complex lab results. All the caffeine had made Kroser both jittery and spacey at the same time. Not that the excuse would help him much when the director reviewed the incident report.

“Hey, hand me that clipboard?” Emerson asked.

“Huh?” Kroser exhaled, the word fogging up the inside of his clear facemask a bit. The request fully registered as he was turning, and his gloved hand plucked up the clipboard on its way past. It was a careless swing, and Kroser didn’t even know he’d knocked into the sealed beaker until it hit the floor.

Once the emergency fans had cleared all of the billowing yellow smoke away, Kroser saw the pile of Emerson’s hazmat suit crumpled on the floor, seemingly empty.

He must’ve had his hood up, oh god oh shit oh shit--

As Kroser watched in horror, something shifted inside the collapsed suit. He felt sweat break out on his forehead and his panting started to fog up his faceplate again, but he didn’t dare take it off, not yet. He stared at the lump as it moved upward, nudging its way toward the empty neck.

A small calico kitten emerged, tilted its head at Kroser, and meowed.

secconpro is a supernatural original character game.
The Foundation is an independent organization dedicated to studying and neutralizing alien and supernatural threats to normality. Covering subject matter that ranges from subtle and harmless to truly horrible, the game explores this mission from all angles. Agent, scientist, civilian, or anomaly, come get your Weird on.

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