Advertise your dark role playing games here. - February 26th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Advertise your dark role playing games here.

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February 26th, 2016

[Feb. 26th, 2016|04:13 pm]



Bennet Institute for Psychic Research and Development

Do you ever get that feeling? The tickle in the back of your mind, the sudden feeling of unease that comes just before something bad happens? Do you ever look at someone and somehow, with no rhyme or reason, know what they're thinking about? Have you found notes, weirdly ominous or vague notes written in your own handwriting, that you don't remember writing? Do you ever feel that there is something more to you than just what the world sees?

The Bennet Institute for Psychic Research and Development, more commonly known by the locals as simply 'The Institute', was established in the year 1948. It was founded by Professor Joffrey Bennet, a brilliant man who had been fascinated by psychic abilities, and the people who were born able to wield them. He lived and worked at the Institute until the day he died in 1994, when it was passed on to his son, Alexander Bennet. The Institute is located in Louisiana, where Joffrey Bennet was born and raised. There are five buildings, four of which provide housing for the students.

The Institute is an original character roleplay focusing on the staff and students who live at the Bennet Institute for Psychic Research and Development. We are open and we are accepting holds and applications

You have a gift. Let us help you harness it.
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[Feb. 26th, 2016|08:34 pm]


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[Feb. 26th, 2016|09:01 pm]



What would you sacrifice for your dreams?

New Haven University is one of the most prestigious universities in the United States. It is one of those schools were the waiting list to get in is impossibly long, and less than 10% of those who apply get accepted. It is one of the hardest colleges in the country to graduate from, but those who do have one of the highest success rates of any school in the nation. Its graduates amongst the Science, Law, Business and Political programs are amongst the most successful in the world.

What would you sacrifice to get one of the best educations in the country? Your dignity? Your freedom? Your body? Would you lord your power over others like an old noble? Or would you treat them as equals? What choices will you make?

New Haven is a modern slave/master RPG that takes place at an elite private college called New Haven University. Formerly a college accessible only to the wealthy and social elite, known as the Dominari class, it has opened its doors to scholarship students, known as the Servita class. However, in exchange for admittance, the Servita are forced to be slaves to the Dominari.

What would you sacrifice for your dreams?


Wanted: Male characters in general, council members in particular.
Plenty of wanted adds to be filled as well.
Next adds are tonight at midnight eastern.
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