Advertise your dark role playing games here. - July 4th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 4th, 2014

[Jul. 4th, 2014|10:07 am]


Captain America, Steve Rogers, is President of the United States. Charles Xavier has come down with a mysterious illness, and has been on Muir Island recovering, with Jean Grey in tow. Erik Lensherr has spent the last two years building an island in the middle of the Pacific which he has dubbed Genosha, a mutant haven for when the wars begin. Mutant/human relations are strained, with the leader and spokesperson for the X-Men in seclusion, the head of SHIELD dead, the figurehead for the Brotherhood leaving his minions to their own devices, and a superhuman holds the highest office.

The walls are closing in on all sides. Bolivar Trask's Sentinel program was scrapped, citing 'inhumane treatment of a sentient species'. The increase in public awareness of just how many superhumans reside in their cities has humans calling out for some way of knowing what threats hide in their neighborhooods. The Mutant Registration Act, expanded and renamed the Superhuman Registration Act, is awaiting Presidential mandate. Humans band together against superhumans, forming militias, the most violent calling themselves the Sons of Genetic Purity.

It's a grenade, and eventually, someone is going to pull the pin.

Civil War is an alternate universe Marvel RPG. This game is very plot-driven, with a hard focus on threading. It takes bits and pieces of ideas from the Marvel universe, leaving it a more open world to play in.

Currently needed: Avengers, X-Men, Black Air/Excalibur, Brotherhood! If they're not taken already or dead, they're necessary!!


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