Advertise your dark role playing games here. - November 23rd, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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November 23rd, 2013

[Nov. 23rd, 2013|11:42 am]

The Walk


You wake up and realize you're in prison. How did you get here? And perhaps just as important, who is that in the other bed? The door is locked, but the key to opening it is right there in front of you if you calm down enough to notice. On the desk which is of course bolted to the floor, you will find two fully charged smart phones, with a built in communications network capable of sending text, voice, and photo messages. The so called internet is extremely limited, and there is absolutely no way to contact anyone who is not recognized by the system.

[Note: Only the people* officially housed in the prison are recognized by the system.]

Once both occupants of the cell claim their device, the cell door will open, and you're free to explore. Both names will be inscribed outside the door, marking this as your assigned sleeping space. You don't have to sleep there, of course, but it is highly recommended that you do. Make no mistake, this is a prison, and you are housed in a cell block. It is up to you and your fellow prisoners to make a life here, within the prison gates.

Do you have what it takes to survive The Walking Dead? Based on the AMC television program of the same name, this game is a survival game. Characters will face difficult situations, and must at times make difficult decisions. Sounds like something you'd be interested in exploring with your favorite fandom characters? Apply today, and help the fandoms fight the zombie apocalypse. [Prior knowledge of The Walking Dead is not necessary]

*The descriptor 'people' here refers to any played (or NPC) character in the game, whether human, vampire, werewolf, demon, angel, or other. Zombies are excluded from this category.

Game opens December 6th.
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[Nov. 23rd, 2013|01:06 pm]

a mythology roleplay

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[Nov. 23rd, 2013|04:29 pm]
Us Against Them

You wake up. When your eyes open you might not recognize your surroundings immediately, but have no doubt about it; this is Earth. Or, at least, what Earth used to be, before everything happened. What ‘everything’ was, you don’t know, but the sky glows in a rusty haze, the sun hidden behind thick clouds of smog for as far as you can see. When you look around, what you encounter depends on where you landed, but there’s an undeniable theme here no matter where you are. You’re in America, but you’ve never seen it so empty before. The streets are riddled with abandoned vehicles, some cars brand new with the doors still hanging open, as if hundreds of drivers simultaneously decided to leave their seat and never return. The buildings are crumbling and are scattered with broken glass and debris, and everything seems to be out of place. There are oil tankards beached up on shores, monuments and statues turned on their heads, and there’s blood, a lot of it. It stains the pavement and buildings, most of it looks old, but there are wet puddles here and there, slick and dark like oil spills. When you search yourself you find that everything you previously carried is gone, everything but that one thing you need. You also find something unfamiliar, something that helps you connect to others like you, just as lost and just as confused. You have a lot to take in, but do it quick. It will be dark soon, and when the night comes, things hunt.
The Game

Us Against Them is a Post Apocalyptic Multi Fandom Horror RPG. Characters are given a large area to play in (the entirety of the United States) and will be given ample opportunity for fun, drama, and serious development. We are looking for all types of personalities to make our community diverse, including heroes, villains, and everyone in between! All links, including rules, player information, application, character list and creature list can be found on the easy-to-navigate mod journal linked below. We'll be opening on November 29th, and we look forward to hearing from you!
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