Advertise your dark role playing games here. - November 12th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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November 12th, 2013

Stranger Tides Wants [Nov. 12th, 2013|10:47 pm]


[info]strangermod, a panfandom set in the OUAT Universe, specifically Neverland, but with a twist, is looking for several characters!

Once Upon a Time: Several characters open! Regina, Rumplestiltskin, Belle, Ariel, Ruby/Red, Snow White, Charming, Dr. Whale, and others would be wanted. We also have a couple characters from OUATIW.

Dragon Age: Fenris, Varric, Merrill, Morrigan, Anders, Bethany, Aveline, Leliana, Nathaniel Howe, Sebastian

Mass Effect: Shepard, Kaidan, Liara, Ashely, Wrex, Joker, Jack, Jacob Taylor, Kasumi Goto, Miranda Lawson, Thane, Zaeed, Liara T'Soni, James Vega

We also have characters from the following fandoms and would love to see more: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who, The Dresden Files, Elder Scrolls, The Losers, Percy Jackson, Robin Hood, Teen Wolf, Uncharted, The Vampire Dairies.

We'd also love to see characters from fandoms we don't already have! With our setting all types of characters fit from modern to sci-fi to fantasy.
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