Advertise your dark role playing games here. - August 19th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 19th, 2013

[Aug. 19th, 2013|02:18 am]


Savage Garden: Into the Abyss

Ruthless, cunning, and deceitful, the pirates of Neverland represent the antitheses of Peter Pan and all that he stands for. Their plotting is unmatched throughout Neverland, and in their struggle for order and control under the command of Captain Oz knows no boundaries. One by one, the native inhabitants have begun to fall to their might: Pan's Treehouse has been burned, and his people remain homeless; the Fae have been poisoned, their Prince killed, and their Queene crushed; even the town has slowly begun to fold to Pirate control.

But they are not finished. No matter how many are killed, the unnatural vampires of Pan's lot are always replaced.
However, with the ultimate goal of making what is not theirs, theirs, the pirates are in the position to take advantage of an opportunity. Oz has developed a plan. One cultivated in secret and wreathed in darkness, it is an act of the kind Neverland has never seen, and it will change everything.

The question is, will the pirates accept what their captain is about to do? Or has Oz gone too far in his search for a set of adversaries that will match the Lost's bite for bloody bite?


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Spinning Compass [Aug. 19th, 2013|12:47 pm]


Sometimes the world you create on the page seems more friendly and alive than the world you actually live in.

Since the dawn of time, storytellers have enchanted audiences with their words. But there is an even rarer gift. There are those who, by reading out loud, can bring characters to life. Out of books and into our world. Most of these people prefer to keep their skills a secret but some do not even know this gift is theirs, until it is too late.

You know how your story begins, do you know how it ends?

Have you ever invested weeks, months, or perhaps years into character development only for a game to suddenly lose interest? For things to go awry and you choose to part ways? Are you sitting in a game that you've lost interest in simply because you don't wish to lose all that character development?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then Spinning Compass is for you!

We at Spinning Compass allow character development from any game. From Insane Journal? Approved! From Live Journal? Approved! From Dreamwidth? Approved! It doesn't matter what journal format they come from, your character will be approved!

We also accept Original Characters, and any canon fandom characters.

Character approval pending application acceptability.

Books are adventure! They contain murder and mayhem and passion. They love anyone who opens them.

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