Advertise your dark role playing games here. - July 23rd, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Advertise your dark role playing games here.

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July 23rd, 2013

[Jul. 23rd, 2013|07:04 pm]

The British Government had another team working on the alien problem and the rift. With the Earth's resources dwindling everyday they decided to try to build a bridge through the rift to another planet. In the end the bridge did work, but it had a side effect. It didn't just open a passage to the new planet it allowed all dimensions to come to earth. The first crossing destroyed the government facility and they thought everything would just go back to normal, but as it turned out the crossing had caused the rift to become unstable and now there are people and creatures coming through all over Cardiff. With the rift being unstable there has been a barrier created around the town, so that no one can leave the town unless it's back through the rift.

Wanted Characters

Owen Harper, Ianto Jones, Toshiko Sayto, Gwen Cooper, The Doctor, Rose Tyler and anyone else not taken.

Game Information

[info]theriftmods is a panfandom based in the Doctor Who/Torchwood universe. All fandoms will be welcome! If you have any questions feel free to contact the mods via the Drop Box


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