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May 28th, 2013

[May. 28th, 2013|08:12 am]
red graves
w e   d a n c e   w i t h   m o n s t e r s.

"Red Graves" is a storyline loosely based on the Vampire: The Masquerade, and similar influences. This is a private group storyline, meaning we will only add a handful of players in before the game becomes invite only. We are looking for talented players who believe in plotting and quality writing. Interested players should read the premise, rules, faqs, ranks, and clans and locations entirely before applying.
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[May. 28th, 2013|09:58 am]

Divine Curse




Drop Box
Friending Button

Most Needed Characters

Katherine Pierce
Tyler Lockwood
Caroline Forbes
Elena has chosen Damon. Damon has gotten the girl. The veil was lifted and put back. Jeremy is alive again, and Bonnie is dead. Stefan, is a doppelganger and lies at the bottom of Mystic Falls. Katherine is human. Tyler is given his freedom. What does all of this mean? Silas is the only one to know the truth of the Petrova doppelgangers and is now bent on righting a centuries old wrong. He wants his love back, destroyed for the cure. He wants immortality with her. How he goes about this is to keep his true intentions hidden, to follow a different path. Pretending to be Stefan, he tries to get closer to Elena, hoping to use her immortal form as the vessel to bring his own love back. Meanwhile the rest of the group have to find out about Jeremy and Bonnie. Klaus is going to find out that he can have hybrids again, but does this mean that Katherine is back to running again? It's time to find out the truth behind the divine curse.

GAME BEGINS At Five Apps. Join today>>>>>

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[May. 28th, 2013|11:19 pm]



We are currently looking for more Walking Dead cast members! We already have a Rick, Daryl, Glenn, and Carol, but anybody else is up for grabs.

I personally would love to see Merle Dixon. I am a sucker for a really good sibling line, and this is pretty much the epitome of that. I have so many ideas that could quite possibly last us months to come!

Glenn is yearning for the love of his life, Maggie Greene, to show back up. And since we also have a Beth in holding, I'm pretty sure she would like to see her sister as well!

Carol doesn't know it, but she would just just die if her daughter, Sophia Peletier, showed up. And the best thing about it is that she would not be the only child in play!

Rick is a little lost without his son, Carl Grimes. He's just recently started to stitch his mind back together, but any and all familial help is definitely a plus.

Michonne, Andrea, The Governor, and just about anybody else from The Walking Dead is up for grabs and would just be such a treat to see in play.

And the Walking Dead isn't the only fandom who would love to see some canon mates! Other fandoms include (but are not limited to): Harry Potter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Grimm, Warehouse 13, Inception, Supernatural, Bioshock: Infinite, and many, many more!
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