Advertise your dark role playing games here. - April 5th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 5th, 2013

[Apr. 5th, 2013|03:07 pm]


For over two hundred years, Shadow Falls was known as a quiet, tranquil New England town, as temperate and picturesque as any other and rich with the history of its Indian and Puritan forefathers. But a dark truth slept in the particulars of its provenance -- a provenance which has seen not one, but two waves of colonization.

For a number of those residents that call the Shadow Falls home have done so for centuries. These residents are not human, but vampires: the second settlers. Sweeping into the town and establishing an iron-clad rule over the humans living there, they built an extensive shadow government, enabled by a covenant that kept humans trapped within the borders of the town as stock and bound their own kind to secrecy. Through countless intrigues, security breaches, mystical plagues, and even a quelled uprising or two, the vampires largely prevailed in this scheme.

Until the day that a passageway was revealed.

Shadow Rises is a PSL community based on the events of In Shadow Falls. Contact the Grounds Keeper for more information.
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