Advertise your dark role playing games here. - February 23rd, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 23rd, 2013

[Feb. 23rd, 2013|08:30 am]

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The Real Deal!

It’s just a TV show…right?

The one thing that Dean and Sam Winchester actually manage to agree on is a liking for a fantasy TV show named Buffy The Vampire Slayer. It’s all make believe, everyone knows that, but they’ve had many a drunken conversation about what it would be like if it were all true. About how much it would help them to have hot women fighting alongside them and vampires who really were on their side…

What they, and most of the world, don’t know is that the popular show is based very firmly on reality. Hunters aren’t the only ones who know what’s really out there. The characters in the show are all fictional but have their real counterparts facing death every day.

The Real Deal is a multi-fandom game set in the meshed-together worlds of BTVS and Supernatural.

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[Feb. 23rd, 2013|11:55 am]

Are you tired of your boring, humdrum, average daily life? Interested in the fame and prestige that comes with being a member of an experimental research project? Have a love of science, the paranormal, the unexplained, or the unknown? Dream of meeting and bonding with new people over a common shared experience? Do you need money? Come join Project Archon and see what evolution can do for you!

[info]labrats is a modern day mutants/superpowers RPG. We welcome diverse characters ages 18+ from a wide variety of backgrounds. Set in a research facility located in a remote part of upstate New York, our game follows the daily lives of the participants of the mysterious and strange Project Archon. We accept writers of all experience levels who are interested in exploring the adventures of normal people developing unusual abilities in a world where superpowers were previously nothing more than the stuff of dreams.

Premise | Rules | FAQ | Holds | Directory | Wanted | Ranks | Powers
Classes | Application | Dropbox

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[Feb. 23rd, 2013|01:00 pm]



Craziest pairing ever!

Looking for an Anna Milton for my Spike here with a view to integrating them into a small gpsl some friends are busy getting together.

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Teen Wolf Gpsl [Feb. 23rd, 2013|08:56 pm]
[info]teenwolfmod is a deliberately small private fan game for the show Teen Wolf. We are thread-focused and looking for players who want to write and develop characters. We are het, slash and femme-slash friendly, encourage characters to create their own plot and explore interpersonal character conflicts.

We're an active gpsl and are looking for Allison, Lydia, the Sheriff, and Melissa McCall. They all have lines already with the characters in game. We accept OCs as well :)
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