Advertise your dark role playing games here. - August 25th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 25th, 2012

[Aug. 25th, 2012|12:21 am]


Hey Gleeks! WMHS has been going strong for the last nine months and is looking to expand its talent base. If you are interested in writing with active, dedicated, funny and friendly people who love Glee and converse on aim, comment, participate in group chats & activities, group threads and scene regularly - well our game might just be the place for you.

There are many popular characters wanted like: Artie Abrams, Joe Hart, Jake Puckerman, Brody Weston, Mike Chang, Will Schuester, Newbies Kitty & Marley, Wade "Unique" Adams, Chandler Kiehl, David Karofsky, Harmony Pearce, Cassandra July and The Warblers: Thad, David, Flint & Wes. We also want original characters with the faces of the Glee Project kids. Glee Project kids especially wanted are: Cameron Mitchell, Aylin Baramoglu, Michael Weisman, Marissa von Bleicken, Shanna Henderson, Nellie Veitenheimer, Emily Vasquez, Tyler Ford, Dani Shay, Charlie Lubeck, Abraham Lim & more.

Interested? Click here. We would love to have you!
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[Aug. 25th, 2012|05:12 pm]

A Dangerous Twist

What if the Battle of Hogwarts never happened? What if, after the giant fiasco of Gringott’s, Voldemort was able to figure out what was happening in order to get the Diadem of Ravenclaw and beat a hasty retreat with Nagini? What if, five years later, the war is still raging in Britain?

Voldemort is hiding, biding his time in a fortress that is known only to his closest and most devoted followers. There he has kept his last two horcruxes safe and secret, and from there, he rules Wizarding England , asserting his agenda of absolute power over the land. Those who follow him seek to eradicate the last of the muggleborns from Britain and recreate the world in their own pure image. So far, the muggles remain largely unaffected, but everyone knows it’s only a matter of time before they’re wiped out as well.

But there is resistance. The Order of the Phoenix is still fighting strong, smuggling out those they can and planning strikes against the Death Eaters. Harry Potter and his close friends work tirelessly to try and locate and destroy the last horcruxes, so they can finally kill Voldemort and end this war.

And caught in the middle is the ministry. Filled with the neutral, the cowardly, the bureaucrats only after their own power, and spies on both sides, the ministry seems more battleground than ruling body as both sides fight for control.

One thing is clear: the war has to end. But even if and when Voldemort is defeated, what happens then? Where do you begin to rebuild the world? How do you punish the wicked, or restart an economy? How do you begin to heal?

Game Opens April 13th
Characters Wanted: Dean Thomas, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, Terry Boot, Mandy Brocklehurst, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Blaise Zabini, Daphne and Astoria Greengrass, Fred Weasley, Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange, Neville Longbottom Bill and Fleur Weasley, and many more...
Game Journal // Characters Wanted
Mod Journal //Apply // OOC Journal

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[Aug. 25th, 2012|06:42 pm]
"Who lost more when Olympus fell? Us, or the mortals -- them?"

"Us. Short lives mean short memories. They don't know what they've lost."
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[Aug. 25th, 2012|10:07 pm]

Welcome to the Hunger Games. Twenty Four went in, only you came home. In between there was blood, sorrow, terror, tears. In between innocence was lost and murderers were made. You went in a child and came out a Victor. But Victory isn't always sweet. Because The Game doesn't end when you exit the Arena.

The Game is a game within a game. Two sides of a coin. On one side is the Arena. Contained, controlled, no way out but dying or winning. On the other is the Capitol. Victors, Sponsors, Capitolites, all pawns in a constant battle of political intrigue, favors owed, dark dealings, and broken promises. In the end there is no real winner. You play or you die. Only this Game never ends.

What side are you on? And how far will you go to play The Game?

The Game is a Hunger Games RP set during the 51st through 55th Games.

Game play is now open! The 51st Games begin September 1st!


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