Advertise your dark role playing games here. - November 18th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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November 18th, 2011

[Nov. 18th, 2011|12:18 pm]



Sons of Cain | OOC | Mod Journal

Game Info | Taken, Wanted & Held
A post-apocalyptic world where vampires are the majority, lycans roam freely, and humans are raised as cattle to feed the hungry predators. Las Vegas has changed quite a bit in the year 2034. Ready to enter the new City of Sin? This original RPG is starting up again on IJ and looking for adult players. Come and join the chaos.
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[Nov. 18th, 2011|06:20 pm]
Premise Rules Characters Ayers House

Murder House is an original horror role playing game set in rural Maine in autumn 2010. The game will focus on the experiences of 15 individuals (starting out) who come to the reopening of the famed Ayers Murder House. The house has been transformed into a world class bed and breakfast resort by a mysterious benefactor and whether through contest or invitation, the guests have arrived. Some are ghost hunters. Some are history buffs. Others are just looking to get away for a few weeks. What they aren't aware of is that that there are a multitude of spirits inside of the house, both good and evil.
And the house is looking to add to the body count...

The game is meant to focus on the human struggle against the supernatural and the self. The characters will be faced with temptation, horror, and true tests of survival. Each player will take on the role of one character archtype and one type of ghost (should they so choose). That way each player will have the chance to get a taste of the game from both sides of the game. Overplot will be run, but this is meant to be a cooperative experience, meaning that ALL players will engage in creating plot and are encouraged to do so!

Game has begun and we're in WEEK 2. More humans and ghosts desired!

Rules Application IC OOC
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The 8th Floor - a Post-War Harry Potter RPG [Nov. 18th, 2011|08:11 pm]


  It takes more than winning a war to get to, "All was well." In 2005, the Wizarding World is facing challenges it never expected. Recent advances in muggle technology threaten to put an end to the Statute of Secrecy and the fragile peace magical society has finally achieved.

  One mysterious new group aims to put an end to the Statute by any means necessary. They've drawn up a list of enemies, posted it for all to see and, one by one, terrible things are happening to the people whose names appeared on it.

Mod JournalAvailable Characters
PremiseCast ListApply

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