Advertise your dark role playing games here. - October 29th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 29th, 2011

[Oct. 29th, 2011|12:02 am]
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[Oct. 29th, 2011|09:08 am]




(A darker Peter Pan RPG)

Was Pan truly an innocent, mischievous young man who never wished to grow up.. or was he something more? Was he a child thief, always in search of the unwanted, orphaned youths to bolster his forces in a neverending war with his brother, the blackhearted Hook? Join us at Neverland and find the darker side of Pan. Be a mermaid and seek the light of mans' souls. Be a pirate and sail the ocean blue. Be a Lost Boy and fly across Neverland's sky. Stay eternal, and never say goodbye.

To die will be an awfully big adventure..."

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[Oct. 29th, 2011|11:59 am]



Oh Marvelous RPG
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The Reincarnates [Oct. 29th, 2011|01:55 pm]



Premise | Characters | Holds | Application | Rules | FAQ | Wanted

It's just like any other day, except maybe on this particular day you wake up with a bit of a headache. You get up, you brush your teeth, you go to work. Or maybe you're still in bed, sleeping off that hangover from the party you went to last night. Then you start hearing a voice inside your head that's not yours. Are you going crazy? No. Are you imagining things? No. Is there actually a fictional person living inside your head?


Reincarnation has been a world-wide phenomenon for centuries. Fictional entities taking up residence in the minds of unsuspecting people, sharing memories, histories, talents, hardships. It began in secret, but as the number of reincarnates steadily grew the reincarnate world became a community that was increasingly hard to remain unnoticed by the rest of the world or to exist together peacefully.

Congratulations, you've just become a reincarnate. Welcome to the war.

It's the year 2011, but the Reincarnate War has been waged for centuries. The two warring sides, most recently going by the names Camelot and CORE, have been locked in a never ending fight over ideals, and the reincarnate community's neutral agent known as the Agency has been trying in vain to keep the peace. Many battles have been fought, with heavy casualties on both sides. Governments overthrown, fighting in the streets and countless loved ones lost. On April 2nd they thought the war was over. In a battle that lasted the night, Camelot took down CORE in a single swoop, those that survived were put in prison, and the reincarnate community began to rebuild. The worst was over. Or so they thought.

The reincarnate community is in shambles, torn apart by centuries of warfare. The magic that brings reincarnates into the world has shifted with the supposed end of the reincarnate war. It would seem that it's no longer set on bringing about destruction, instead it's reshaping reality as you know it. Cities, planets, everywhere that reincarnates have ever been connected to are beginning to appear in the real world and everyone is scrambling to find the place that they once called home

It's not as easy as that though. CORE prisoners have escaped and are now calling themselves the Resistance. They're out for revenge as well as territories to claim, and Camelot is ready for another fight.

Join the war today!

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