Advertise your dark role playing games here. - October 18th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Advertise your dark role playing games here.

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October 18th, 2011

[Oct. 18th, 2011|08:50 am]
there is no charles xavier.
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[Oct. 18th, 2011|11:55 am]




(A darker Peter Pan RPG)

Was Pan truly an innocent, mischievous young man who never wished to grow up.. or was he something more? Was he a child thief, always in search of the unwanted, orphaned youths to bolster his forces in a neverending war with his brother, the blackhearted Hook? Join us at Neverland and find the darker side of Pan. Be a mermaid and seek the light of mans' souls. Be a pirate and sail the ocean blue. Be a Lost Boy and fly across Neverland's sky. Stay eternal, and never say goodbye.

To die will be an awfully big adventure..."

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The Crescent City Institute; on [Oct. 18th, 2011|11:54 pm]
YOU! YES, YOU! Not you, but YOU OVER THERE! We want your Harry Potter Fandom OC's!

Located on, the Crescent City Institute is open for another year of magical hijinks and mayhem. We need cheerleaders, Quodpot and Quidditch players, characters who aren't Caucasian, pureblood fanatics, bitches and hos, straight kids, gay kids, drama kings and queens, rebels, popular kids, investigators, jocks (PLEASE!), characters who could fill some wanted lines (Link to wanted characters here), scene kids, goths, preps, and everyone in between. Some nice Lalauries, some evil Beauregards, outgoing Sonniers and wallflower Rienzi kids would help us out as well.

Have an idea? Feel free to contact a mod at If it's an original character? We want you as a part of our game! Accepting applications here immediately!

ALSO! Ever want to play in the Triwizard Tournament!? Well... you can't. But your character can play something like it! Introducing Strife! Strife starts on Halloween night, so come and sign up for your chance to win!
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