Advertise your dark role playing games here. - October 12th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 12th, 2011

[Oct. 12th, 2011|03:23 am]


Would anyone be interested in a supernatural game located in Santa Monica? The premise is in the journal.
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What If Liquid Won?..............................Multifandom, All Fandoms Very Welcome [Oct. 12th, 2011|06:30 am]

Do you RP Metal Gears?


You ---must--- know Metal Gears at least to the basic plot to join us here.

Oc's Accepted, Characters from ALL Fandoms.

Yaoi Heavy. Het Friendly. There will be death, pain, rebirth, torture, all manner of twisting of reality.

When Liquid Snake was killed, his body was recovered and placed in stasis ---Ocelot harvested the arm of his long time friend and employer for reasons that are multiple, that you will likely know if you are familiar with MGS.

After "Liquid-Ocelot" was killed, Ocelot's spirit was freed from the hell he had brought about by mingling his and Liquid's DNA and souls, since Liquid had used that as a way obtain a mortal body ---not quite what Ocelot had in mind, even for a dear friend. It nearly sent him into madness, so when that form died, it was release and a relief. But Liquid Snake, being the genius he is, wasn't idle, even then, even banished back to the great Beyond once more, this time with Adamska.

Think Time being ripped apart. Think things happening that never ought to have been. Think......... a certain Doctor's unwilling help.

And remember Ocelot is the son of Sorrow, the great psychic.

The two of them have worked together to turn back time, mangle it, mutate it. Rape it into submission --- and there are no taboos, no mercies, no reason in Liquid's Brave New World.

There is, as always, a Resistance. All great tyrants have their mortal enemies, and Liquid is no exception: He holds court at Shadow Moses Island, and the Resistance has dug in at a fortified citadel in the Rockies, called Fort Freedom. Solid Snake, Big Boss, Raiden, many others are there now, fighting the good fight, some of them against a brother and son. Big Boss was brought back deliberately by Liquid, for the sole purpose of his extermination.

This is where we came in, and this is where we start.

The World According to Liquid Snake..... he might call it Outer Heaven at times, but don't be fooled. It's just a pretty wrapping for Hell on earth.

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[Oct. 12th, 2011|09:17 am]
“Salvation? Welcome to Hell.”

Located in the deserted regions of Arizona, Tamlagare is considered to be a safe haven for all mythological creatures. Founded by a group named the Force, they strive to keep the city under the radar from the rest of the increasingly civilized world. Creatures come via word-of-mouth from the furthest reaches of the planet – and sometimes beyond – to make themselves comfortable within Tamlagare’s invisible fortress walls. But what they do not know is the sickening reality to which they’re being subjected to once they’re inside.

Tamlagare is composed of numerous groups who are constantly recruiting for the city’s own civil war. The Thanatists, a group of militants under the Force’s beck and call, are now being targeted for their treatment of the human race. The Theta Brotherhood is a newly constructed group who is fighting for human rights within the city’s limits and against the Thanatists and the Force to achieve these rights. Little do the three groups know of the Order of The Celestial Eagle and The Servitude of Light, who are also having their own contest over the inhabitant’s souls. Couple these factors with one of rising temperatures and a shortage of water and Tamlagare has become a less than desirable place to live. However, most creatures choose to stay in a desperate hope to wait out the growing drought while the humans are forced to stay against their will. After all, who would want to return to a home ravaged by a growing human population?

[info]tamlagare is an all original, play-by, supernatural city based community established in modern times. Any mythological race or species created through folklore or religion are accepted!

Next adds TONIGHT
October 12th @ 9pm!

Community : Races : Rules : Groups : Directory : Wanted
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[Oct. 12th, 2011|11:32 pm]


The year is 2004.

As History has told us, the Ministry of Magic likes to hide things from the general public, as to not cause panic. Their constant need to keep us in the dark this time, has caused catastrophic, but amazing consequences. An experiment on the veil located in the Department of Mysteries goes terribly wrong. There is a bright flash of light, a series of loud noises, smoke of several different colors and then everything goes still. People all over the Wizarding World start blacking out, falling into a sleep. All of the Muggles in the world suddenly vanish, leaving their clothes, glasses, and jewelry behind. But that's not the biggest event that happened. Witches and Wizards started walking out from behind the Veil. Known Dead Witches and Wizards. And they were now as alive as they were before they died. Not Zombies or monsters, but living, breathing, healthy adults.

Ten hours after the initial event happened, the Witches and Wizards that had blacked out started waking up. They will soon discover the world as they knew it is gone and that magical beings are the only ones left. They will then discover the dead have come back to life. How are the characters in this situation going to react? That's up to you to decide. The game will start the day after the event.

→ Muggleborns have lost their parents.
→ Any Witches or Wizards with Muggle family have lost that family.
→ Back from the dead Death Eaters and the Dark Lord are alive and in hiding.
→ Every canon character from Harry Potter is available to play.
→ People back from the dead are the same age they were when they died.

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