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August 2nd, 2011

[Aug. 2nd, 2011|04:18 am]


The Triangle RPG

Do you have what it takes to survive in The Triangle?

As long as mankind has been traveling the seas, inexplicable events have occurred. Among the most notorious are random, mysterious disappearances and equipment malfunctions inside a triangular area between Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and the tip of Florida. No one knows what causes these malfunctions, or what happens to people who've disappeared. But you're about to find out.

Your trip starts out normally. Calm seas, clear skies, perfect weather, nothing abnormal at all. As your craft enters the Bermuda Triangle, however, you hear an odd humming sound, that grows in intensity. Soon after, you black out, waking up some time later on a cot in a shack, unattended.

Upon exploration, you find yourself on a beach, dotted with crude huts, inhabited by others who've been dumped here. No one knows what happened, except that the Curse of the Bermuda Triangle claimed them as a victim.

No one is immune. Doctors, lawyers, university students in all fields of study, models, actors, singers... the famous, the infamous, and the unknown. All have been plucked from their lives and left on this mysterious island.

If that wasn't enough, odd things happen periodically. Earthquakes shake the ground--and peoples' nerves; mountains form and crumble virtually overnight; violent storms send waves crashing against the coast. And occasionally, people disappear. They don't seem to have died--at least, no body is ever recovered. They simply vanish.
About the Game
The Triangle is a new, multifandom, thread-based, dark, supernatural game on InsaneJournal. There are only a couple restrictions on characters (no cartoon or anime characters); original characters and celebrity characters are welcome.

Please check out the links below, or IM the mod at Photogenic Evan on AIM.
| Pictures and Descriptions of Key Island Areas |
| Rules | Game Guide | Taken Characters | Wanted Characters |
| Holds | Application |
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The Roadhouse [IF] [Aug. 2nd, 2011|05:55 am]


Our plot picks up after No Rest For The Wicked and initially focuses on the four months before Lazarus Rising. Sam is on his own now that Dean is in Hell, trying to make deals with Crossroads Demons and anyone who's willing to sell. Ruby's presence is lacking until she returns from Hell to assist Sam in honing his otherworldly powers. Bobby may or may not be drunk, depending on the day.

Outside of human and Hunter knowledge, both Angelic and Demonic forces are preparing for what will likely be a full scale war. The Demons and Lilith are doing their best to continue breaking the seals needed to release Lucifer from the box. The Angels are preparing for the worst and setting into motion plans to pull the eldest Winchester brother from the Pit.

The question that remains is: how does your character react to and live within a world that is changing so drastically and, oftentimes, in an unnoticed manner? While the general populace may be blissful in their ignorance, those who are more in the know of darker forces can certianly feel something on the horizon. Something bad and something that could change their lives in unbelievable ways.
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[Aug. 2nd, 2011|12:34 pm]
Premise || Maps || Rules || Apply || Cast || Wiki || Mod
This is not the world as you know it. A few minor changes in history have brought about a vastly different landscape. The United States does not exist, and in its place is a collection of countries, kingdoms, and colonies. Most of them are stable, peaceful places.

One is not.

The Kingdom of Virginia is in turmoil. Civil war threatens to break out at any minute. The nobles are badly divided, rebel groups are rampant, and the economy is on the verge of catastrophic failure. Foreign aid is pouring into the country, both in support of the king's government and of the rebels.

Will King Charles be able to hold onto his throne? Will he lose it to his dissatisfied nobles? Or will be he be toppled by those who claim the cause of justice?
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[Aug. 2nd, 2011|03:15 pm]



Welcome to New Orleans or N’awlins as the locals say. Something here lies hidden that many don’t find so strange -- this party town holds a few secrets that would scare most people. Known for voodoo, hoodoo, and other dark arts this quaint little city has some things up its sleeve. Many things here do go bump in the night. The city has been rebuilt after being rocked by Hurricane Katrina and with its old residents returning, a few things came with it. NoLa is Rising. Next adds are tonight!

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[Aug. 2nd, 2011|03:28 pm]


This is Jason, and he's a werewolf living in Amsterdam, over at [info]theyearspassed. He's recently moved to the area, and is looking to start up a were pack. He needs weres to do that.

Any were will do, any gender, any age. He just wants a few good weres who won't mind kicking up a little trouble along the way.
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(R)evolutions: A Superpowered High School/Town RPG [Aug. 2nd, 2011|06:56 pm]


High school: the best and worst of times - especially if you can move things with your mind, shoot fire from your fingertips, or lift up a car with one hand. Welcome to Tranquility, Pennsylvania, just another ordinary small town in a post-evolutionary world. Tensions are running high as, one by one, the powered students are outed and the anti-powered sentiment strengthens. It’s been thirty years since the Powered People’s Protection Act was passed, yet the world is still filled with discrimination and hatred, and in a small town like Tranquility, things don’t change unless you force them to. One thing is certain: revolution is coming, and sooner or later, everyone is going to have to choose a side.
The (R)evolutions is an original character, supernatural game set in the fictional town of Tranquility, Pennsylvania, focusing on its inhabitants and mainly on its students and the social and political tension that exists between them.

Intrigued? Check out the community profile!

History FAQ Powers Wanted
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Sons of Cain: An Original Post-Apocalyptic Supernatural RPG [Aug. 2nd, 2011|08:55 pm]



Sons of Cain | OOC | Mod Journal

Game Info | Taken, Wanted & Held
A post-apocalyptic world where vampires are the majority, lycans roam freely, and humans are raised as cattle to feed the hungry predators. Las Vegas has changed quite a bit in the year 2034. Ready to enter the new City of Sin? This original RPG is starting up again on IJ and looking for adult players. Come and join the chaos.
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