Advertise your dark role playing games here. - April 3rd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Advertise your dark role playing games here.

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April 3rd, 2010

[Apr. 3rd, 2010|12:45 pm]

[info]twelfthday | [info]twelfthrpg | [info]twelfthooc

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The Cellar | An Apocalyptic Storyline [Apr. 3rd, 2010|04:40 pm]
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Whittle Well [Apr. 3rd, 2010|10:11 pm]


"If a universe can be imagined, it exits."
Professor M.R.Franks, Member, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

A revolution has recently taken place within society’s attitude towards certain laws and civil rights. This transformation has left many traditionalists scared and fighting but most have been liberated due to the changes and are keen to allow them to continue. Mainly the rights for women and children have altered drastically. The change to female rights is almost immediately noticeable with the change of fashion.
Medical and scientific understanding has improved and the experimentation for artificial limb use and ‘upgrades’ to the physical being are becoming highly fashionable however extremely costly.

Whittlewell is the capital city of the British Empire and is on the cutting edge of the steam revolution. Its advances in air ship travel and compact innovations for steam capability are the envy of the world and have lead to the boon in wealth. However the gap between rich and poor is ever expanding.

The year is 1865 and you are invited to come and join us.

Whittle Well RP

We are now open and currently accepting applications!

So if you are interested in a victorian, steampunk-esk RPG come take a look!
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New Jefferson City [Apr. 3rd, 2010|10:26 pm]

In 2020 Jefferson City was destroyed in an accident that caused dimensional rips in reality, destroying the city and shattering the lives of all of the inhabitants. Everyone fled and the city turned to ruin. Everyone gave up on it until two investors began buying up the land the once great city stood upon.

Four years of investment and hard work and the city is back, two great towers on either side of the city watch over the now growing population as promise upon promise is made.

The year is now 2024. A ripple in reality from four years ago has changed some people and bestowed upon them special abilities. Most have the common sense to keep their powers hidden from the world,


We are now open and currently accepting applications!

So if you are interested in a super powered city come take a look!
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