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June 30th, 2009

Breaking Point RPG [Jun. 30th, 2009|10:50 am]

Breaking Point RPG - Breaking Point OOC
Cast & Characters - Application - Rules

Summer 2024 at Hogwarts. Headmaster Filius Flitwick has just passed away. Minister of Magic Narcissa Malfoy has nominated her daughter-in-law, Board of Governors member Astoria Malfoy, for the position, but the professors of Hogwarts have another idea in mind: their very own Herbology Professor Neville Longbottom. Philosophies heat up through the summer months and before we know it the students - including 6th year Lily Luna Potter and 5th year Libra Malfoy - will be returning.

Surprisingly enough - they're not the only ones.

September first, the feast has been a success, the students are heading back to their dorms, and a bump is heard in the night. The seventh floor corridor is in sudden chaos - someone from another time has just stumbled out of a fireplace holding a blue fire.

As Aurors roam the halls of Hogwarts and our heroes of the Second War try to solve the puzzle of the blue fireplace, more mysteries are around every corner. Why are the dead returning? Who will rule the school? And how much tension can all sides endure before the wounds of past push them too far?
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[Jun. 30th, 2009|09:26 pm]
Are you good? Evil? A little of both?
There are many reasons to use your powers.
We just find the best ones here.

Opening after 10 applications!
Paradise Island - An erotic Marvel AU.

Layout Credits - Original Premise Credit
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[Jun. 30th, 2009|09:50 pm]


Deceptive Perception

The land known as Inora consists of a set of islands that cradle more than just mortals in its loving embrace. They were said to have been created by vampires long ago. This gave them a place to live among the mortals who fed them while painting the earth red with blood. Eventually, other races were thrown into the fray and a century of war was fought for supremacy.

Centuries passed between rulers and the times of war seemed to almost be forgotten. The treaty between the demons and vampires has always been upheld. The werewolves have always protected the treaty and, eventually, winds of change blew through the lands. Times evolved and an industrial revolution took hold. All was well with the lands.

But even something as simple as your perception can be deceptive and nothing is ever perfect...

The latest in a long line of demonic kings has died and the vampires have come back into the throne. Even with this change, death and violence still run rampant through Inora's streets and it seems the Gunslingers are unable to stop it.

Are you part of the problem or part of the solution..?


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