Advertise your dark role playing games here. - March 7th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 7th, 2009

Posthomerica: A Greek Gods RPG [Mar. 7th, 2009|12:18 am]
Such was the funeral of Hector. And now there came a new beginning . . .
A Present-Day Greek Gods Roleplay.
( game information )
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Storyteller's TriQuetra [Mar. 7th, 2009|03:08 pm]
The Storyteller’s TriQuetra is a unique and innovative writer’s community, created to engage storytellers from all walks of life and offer a chance to indulge in their craft.

While roleplay games spring up and fade off, TriQuetra gives serious writers a place to grow and a diverse platter of 'verses to select from. We also promise to keep the light on. TriQuetra is a multi-dimensional platform that includes both play-by-post roleplay, chat rooms, and play by post forums plus much more!
Become a Member
You're not going to find a better place to grow your characters, spin your storylines, and immerse yourself in the world of exquisite graphic making. A role player's haven comparable to TriQuetra isn't out there.

Click here to get the ball rolling on your very own Storyteller's account. It's free!
TriQuetra 'Verses

Create a 'Verse
Interested in creating a haven devoted especially to your storytelling skill? The 'Verse are TriQuetra's chat room and forum-based storylines and while any member is welcome to join a current 'Verse, some of us won't be satisfied unless we have our own turf. Click here to get the details on how to go about owing your own 'Verse.
Storyteller's TriQuetra
The Cadillac of Roleplaying Communities

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([info]roadmods - opening march 8!) [Mar. 7th, 2009|04:17 pm]
&Open Roads;

After a near-apocalyptic nuclear disaster, our group of survivors leaves its native Los Angeles for the promised land of the east coast. Rumors have told of a land of lush, fertile soil, blue skies, and clean water. But to get there, we will have to pass through nature's deadliest elements, avoid radioactive fallout, and witness the worst of humanity. Not to mention the creatures that seem to be picking our band apart, smaller and smaller. We live in fear, and survive on hope - but who brought these stories of a new life in the East in the first place? And even if we do manage to find it, what will we do when we get there? And what if the promises of a new Eden are all just desperate, sharp-edged lies?
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