Advertise your dark role playing games here. - February 13th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 13th, 2009

[Feb. 13th, 2009|09:35 am]
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Endless Epitaph: A pan fandom supernatural and horror rp. [Feb. 13th, 2009|10:51 pm]



The world is a simple place. It just happens to be filled with the supernatural. Demons, vampires, magic, angels, good, evil. But through it all one thing stays constant. The world is a cosmic game board between Heaven and Hell. Hell has its influence everywhere, guided by Lucifer's hand. Heaven's armies battle Hell's, while most humans are blind to the fact their existence could change with one lost fight. While Hell has it's share of demons and other evils, Heaven has its champions. It's Chosen. The war is on going and woven so deep into the fabrics of life that many of these individuals remain unaware of each other. Many think they are alone, but in reality they are not. Many prefer to work alone but there are situations that won't allow it. Through it all, beings are trying to exist. To live. To rule.

The world continues on. Battles fought. Battles won. Battles lost. Heroes and villains come and go. Life evolves. Though the board can change, the game will forever continue.

So what kind of person are you? Are living or are you fighting?

Endless Epitaph is a pan-fandom game set in a world where horror and the supernatural are prevalent. Buffy Summers is slaying vampires, the Ghostbusters are busting ghosts, Winchesters are hunting demons, witches are hording power, and everyone is fighting to save the world, to end it, or just to get through the day.

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